標題: NTP-DRMT:測試行動設備中OMA數位使用權管理功能的符合性與互通性之測試工具
NTP-DRMT:A Conformance and Interoperability Test Tool for OMA Digital Rights Management of Mobile Devices
作者: 黃亭愷
Ting-Kai Huang
Yi-Bing Lin
Whai-En Chen
關鍵字: 數位使用權管理;測試與測試控制第三版;符合性測試;互通性測試;Digital Rights Management;Testing and Test Control Notation version 3;conformance test;interoperability test
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本論文開發一個數位使用權管理(Digital Rights Management)的符合性與互通性之測試工具,測試待測物(如:手機)是否符合開放行動通訊聯盟(Open Mobile Alliance)的服務互通性測試之標準。數位使用權管理是一種防護(或保護)的機制,發行者利用使用權來管理被使用者取得的多媒體資料。使用者必須依照使用權物件(Rights Objects)的規則來存取被數位使用權所保護的文件(DRM Content)。當行動數位裝置使用DRM的應用服務之前,我們必須測試此DRM應用服務的開發是正確的依照OMA所訂定的規格。我們將展示在Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 (TTCN-3)下如何有效率的開發DRM的測試例子。
This thesis describes a conformance and interoperability test tool for Digital Rights Management (DRM) developed on an Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) service interoperability test platform. DRM is a security (protection) mechanism that allows a content issuer to manage the media objects to be delivered to the users with copyright protection. In DRM, the users then access DRM Content (i.e., the protected media objects) according to the Rights Objects. Before a DRM application is launched for a mobile device, it is essential to conduct testing to ensure that the DRM mechanism is correctly implemented. Based on the Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 (TTCN-3) specifications, we show how DRM test cases can be efficiently implemented.


  1. 051301.pdf

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