標題: 應用情感喚醒原理之感性設計模式建構
The Application of Emotional Arousal to Constructing an Emotional Design Model
作者: 鄧 建國
Teng, Chien-Kuo
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
關鍵字: 情感設計;情感喚醒;創造力;深度驚喜;設計模式;emotional design;emotional arousal;creativity;later wow;design model
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 當代的產品重視情感面向,強調產品對人產生情感的聯繫作用,注重產品的愉悅感受,而發展出情感設計。然而,設計師要如何在設計時,以適當的產品語言來喚醒使用者的記憶,讓使用者更能感受到產品所傳達的情感,尚無較為明確的做法。再者,設計概念的發展,需要結合主動及被動的啟發,若能在設計的發想階段引進設計元素的發想刺激,將可激發設計創意,幫助設計者產生內在心理的感觸連結。 本研究基於情感設計與預設用途理論之相關探討,整合情境劇本的故事方法與心理喚醒之原理,提出造形聯想設計模式,以發展產品概念。本研究提出一設計模式,讓設計者能以預想使用者的產品經驗為導向,依擬定之設計步驟,產生更具情感效果的造形成果。此設計模式,係以「心理喚醒的情境脈絡」與「造形發想步驟」兩個向度,定義出「造形情感喚醒」之創作思考矩陣。其中,情感喚醒的情境脈絡,包含:1)傳達語言的建立、2)狀態差異的強化,及3)意象的連結等三種手法。造形發想步驟則包含:1)建立設計情境、2)設計特徵明確化、3)技術特質的應用、4)設計張力的強化等四個設計步驟。本研究具體陳述此模式的建構理論、執行方式與執行成果的驗證:首先,敘述相關的理論與此設計模式的使用原則及步驟。其次,藉由童話情境、科幻情境、現實情境等三種情境故事類型,發展出六件概念產品,來驗證其應用性也藉此呈現其所對應的產品想像,以及情感喚醒的操作過程與要點。設計者可彈性地運用矩陣的垂直軸與水平軸之技巧,較為周延地連結情感與造形,藉由外觀的變化效果,促成設計者、使用者與產品之情感聯繫。經驗證結果顯示,此模式的發展應用,有助於設計者的設計發想,較易獲得wow的驚喜設計效果。最後,本論文也將對執行之要點、應注意事項,提出檢討與建議。
Today’s products emphasize the aspect of emotion so that products have to be designed with the power of linking with human emotion. However, in design process, there is no clear approach of how to adopt appropriate design language that designers can follow to wake the users’ memory for perceiving the conveyed emotion in products. On the other hand, as the development of design concepts requires a combination of active and passive inspiration, if some inspiring stimuli for design elements can be introduced in the conceiving phase of design, they will stimulate designers’ creativity to develop designs with arousal link to users’ feelings. Based on theories of emotional design and affordance, an emotional design model, which integrates approaches of scenario design emotional arousal, is proposed in this study. With referring to this design model, designers can consider the users experience of using products beforehand, then follow the design procedure of this model to develop product form with emotion arousing power. The core of this design model is an idea stimulating matrix with two dimensions of emotion arousal context and from developing process. The emotion arousal context includes: 1) design language establishment, situational difference contrasting, and image links. Whereas, the form developing process can be divided into four steps: 1) building design scenario, 2) clarifying design characteristics, 3) applying technology, and 4) strengthening tension of design. After the primitive has been built, the model was consecutively applied to six conceptual design cases for verifying the applicability of this model and for finding improvements to the model. In these design cases, three types of scenario: fairy tales, science-fiction and reality scenario have been adopted. It was found that, by using this design model, designers can flexibly manipulate the idea stimulating matrix to develop proper product form for connecting demanded emotions. In this way, this model helps to build the emotional connection among designer, users and the product. Likewise, it is easier to obtain product with the wow impression to their audience in conceptual design developed with this model. At last, suggestions and restrictions of applying this emotional design model were discussed and concluded.


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