Title: 應用TRIZ企業演化趨勢探討人力資源管理活動之創新途徑-- 以台灣半導體封裝公司為例
Applying Trends of Business Evolution of TRIZ to Explore the Innovation of Human Resource Management Activities - -A Case Study of Taiwan Semi-Conductor Package Corp.
Authors: 姚正松
Yao, Cheng-Sung
Sha, Y. J.
Keywords: TRIZ系統化創新方法;演化趨勢;人力資源管理活動;Theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ);Business Evolution Trends;Human Resource Management Activities
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 近幾十年來,開發中國家大力招商及市場開放等政策下,加速了產業全球化佈局的趨勢及全球化競爭的來臨,在此趨勢下,引發了新市場、新產品、新心態、新能力及新思考模式,然企業要持續地壯大及獲利,勢必要找到「對的人才」,以維繫及支撐組織的擴張與獲利,所以組織功能中的「人力資源管理」,其被重視的程度,將成為未來企業管理的新重點。
1946年蘇俄學者Genrich Altshuller 提出了TRIZ理論—系統化創新方法(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving),近年來已廣泛應用於各個領域,而演化趨勢(Trends of Evalution)是系統化創新方法的其中一項工具,可用來預測未來系統可能的演化方向,以供發明者參考。2004年,Darrell Mann在管理方面提出了32種企業演化趨勢(Business Evolution Trends),將演化趨勢應用於企業經營,提供作為決策者的參考。
In the past decade, numerous business opportunities in the developing countries have expedited the advent of industrial globalization, and introduced new approaches in various aspects of business. In order to continue growth and profit, finding the “right” employees becomes extremely critical. For this reason, human resource management will become the new focus in future business management.
In the past, human resource management played a passive role, focusing mainly on administrative tasks. In order to meet arising demand from global competition, human resource management must transform to take on a more strategic role, focusing on “Management by Employee Contribution” and “Change Management”. This study will provide executives the theory and method of innovative thinking in a systematic manner, case studies on human resource management, and future directions on innovative programs.
In 1946, Russian scholar Genrich Altshuller proposed the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), which has been greatly adopted in many fields. The “Trend of Evolution” is one of the tools in TRIZ that predicts the evolution of future systems, which can serve as a reference for inventors. In 2004, Darrell Mann applied the concepts in Trends of Evolution to business management, and introduced 32 types of Business Evolution Trends.
This study applies the concepts in Business Evolution Trends on many companies in semiconductor packaging. It explores and analyzes the current situation and degree of evolution in Human Resource Management, and provides innovative solutions to executives.
Appears in Collections:Thesis