標題: 臺北捷運高運量電聯車營運故障改善之研究
Improving Service Failure of EMU for Taipei Metro
作者: 方俊翔
Fang, Chun-Hsing
Huang, Tai-Sheng
關鍵字: 捷運;電聯車;故障樹分析;德爾菲法;Metro;EMU;FTA;Delphi Technique
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 擔負大臺北都會區每日百萬旅次之大眾捷運高運量系統,如何有效維持正常營運及安全、便捷、準點、舒適之系統服務指標著實不易。 電聯車為攸關營運正常之重要運輸載具,若因其失效或故障率偏高,不僅易造成營運延誤,且導致旅客抱怨,降低服務品質,而營運財損及耗費檢修成本在所難免,同時亦影響營運機構之經營維護績效與商譽,故高運量電聯車失效故障偏高造成之營運故障問題,係須持續精進改善之重要課題。 本研究目的在於嘗試改善臺北捷運高運量371型電聯車系統設備之營運故障並提出改善建議。主要彙整371型電聯車歷年實際發生之營運延誤故障,運用故障樹分析法(FTA)及德爾菲專家問卷調查(Delphi Technique)進行分析探討。 經由彙整歷年371型電聯車各子系統實際發生之營運故障,得到涵蓋94%營運故障之子系統與故障項目,經由德爾菲專家問卷調查及平均值與標準差檢核,獲得目前尚未發生,惟後續可能發生之營運故障項目,結合實際與潛在風險之營運故障項目,建構故障樹並進行故障樹定性與定量分析,得到完整之子系統營運故障層級、架構、關鍵故障項目及故障率偏高各子系統之故障發生機率,並與現行相關規定之檢修週期項目、檢修手冊進行差異比較,最後提出改善建議,俾利作為後續改善電聯車營運故障檢修作業之參考。
Mass Rapid Transit(MRT)system in Taipei metropolitan area transports million trips each day. How to maintain its level of service(LOS), including safety、convenience、punctuality、comfortable and revenue well,is a serious issue. The Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) is the key factor for normal operation of MRT system. It has a potential of high failure rate, not only causes service delay but also passengers complain, and leads to increase repair cost. In the mean time it would lead to a negative performance and reputation for operation agency, so needs to pay more attention to improve continuously. The purpose of this thesis is to improve service failure of type 371 train fleet and propose suggestions for Taipei Metro. The data of operation failure for type 371 train fleet actually occurred in past three years are compiled and the methodology of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Delphi Method are used to conduct this research. Sorting service delay records of type 371 train fleet, the failures of three subsystem: door, train signaling and auxiliary power, account for almost 94% of all failures. Through questionnaire survey to senior 371 train maintenance staff, using Delphi Method to find out the failures not occurred yet but may occur follow-up, the fault trees are constructed by combining the actual and potential risks of operating failures and proceed qualitative and quantitative analysis. Then the failure level、failure structure、failure key item of subsystem and the failure probability of high failure rate fault subsystem are acquired completely. A comparison of these key failures with maintenance cycle item and maintenance manual associated, improved suggestions for the further preventive and trouble shooting of type 371 train fleet are provided for reference.