標題: 捷運系統營運前後車站周邊地區商業發展之變化
The commercial development in station area before and after MRT opening
作者: 蔡岳霖
Yueh-Lin Tsai
Cheng-Min Feng
Jen-Jia Lin
關鍵字: 捷運車站;商業發展;多變量分析;metro station;commercial development;multivariate analysis
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 摘要 捷運的興建完成除了給予人民便捷的交通外,亦將對所經過的土地產生相當大的影響,尤其是作為商業使用的土地。本研究針對台北市捷運系統營運後,造成車站周邊地區商業變化之問題,進行調查與研究;內容探討捷運車站周邊地區商業的型態在捷運營運前後,於不同環境條件下之改變內容的差異性,並找出影響捷運車站周邊地區商業發展強弱的因素,可供其它捷運路線或其它都市作為參考。 本研究利用因子分析與群落分析方法將台北都會區捷運車站依其各項特性與功能予以分類,並從各群中隨機選取出二十個車站進行實地的資料調查,並利用統計分析探討土地使用、業種及活動之改變與捷運車站類型之關聯性,以及距捷運車站之距離是否會影響土地使用、業種及活動型態改變的程度。最後,本研究再利用判別分析方法建立判別函數,瞭解影響站區商業發展的因素。 本研究發現以下重要結論: 1. 捷運營運後站區新增的商店以民生商業業種為主; 2. 商店增加的數量與距車站的距離是成反向的關係; 3. 不同類型的捷運車站所造成發展影響的差異程度並不大; 4. 大部分商家的顧客量與收入會增加、顧客活動之尖峰也多 改變為上下班時間; 5. 顯著影響捷運車站周邊地區商店新增多寡的因素包括:捷運營 運前後可及性變化、商業樓地板面積、車站進出站人口數等, 且各個因素均對商店新增數量為正向影響。 關鍵字:捷運車站、商業發展、多變量分析
Abstract Not only does the development of rapid transit systems offer people convenient transportation options, but it also exerts profound impact on the areas where they pass, particularly those used for commercial development. This research is focused on the issues arising from commercial land uses nearby stations as a result of the opening of Taipei mass rapid transit (MRT) system. It explores the differences of commercial activities among various stations, and identifies the factors affecting the development of neighboring commercial activities, in hopes to offer an example for other cities and transit development projects. This research utilizes factor analysis and cluster analysis to classify the characteristics and functions of Taipei MRT stations. Field investigation was performed on 20 stations randomly chosen from different categories. The changes of neighboring land utilization, activity characteristic as well as whether or not distance from the station would have an impact on those activities, in regards to the type of transit stations are discussed with statistical analysis. Lastly, this research uses discriminatory analysis to analyze the factors which influence the commercial development in station area. The analysis results in this study are concluded as follows: 1.Most of the newly increased stores around MRT stations are retail stores and personal service; 2.the number of newly increased stores and their distance from the station are inversely related; 3.station types do not influence commercial development significantly; 4.most stores have increased customers and sales, particularly during commuting hours; 5.the significant factors influencing commercial development around MRT stations include: the improvement of access ability, commercial floor area and number of passengers using MRT system; also, these factors are positively correlated with the number of newly increased stores. Keywords: metro station, commercial development, multivariate analysis