Title: 捷運車站尋路設計評估架構建立之研究
A Study of Establishing the Evaluation Framework of Wayfinding Design for MRT Stations
Authors: 黃信豪
Huang, Hsin-Hao
Keywords: 捷運車站;尋路;評估架構;層級分析法;視線分析法;銜接密度;MRT station;Wayfinding;Evaluation Framework;Analytic Hierarchy Process;Sight Line Analysis;Inter-connection Density
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 捷運後續路網建立完成後,會產生許多不同路線的交會型車站。交會型車站多位於地下且須具備轉乘其他路線的功能,導致空間封閉且較為複雜,所以可預見在此類型的車站,旅客會不斷上演著使用者尋路的問題,而良好的車站設計應縮短旅客熟悉的時間以避免迷路的情形發生。過去的文獻較少將尋路應用到運輸場站上,且現況之車站多是營運後以試誤法加以改善,增加了時間和成本,並未建立一套可在規劃階段和營運階段檢視車站尋路設計之評估模式,需要一套有效率的評估方法。
It can be seen that a lot of interchange stations for MRT will be installed once the long term network has been completed. Most of the interchange stations specifically designed to transfer passengers among lines are located underground. Such a limited space allocation may be a challenge for a complicated functional design especially when connecting and/or routing multiple pairs of OD and may frequently cause problems for passengers to find the ways from their locations to others. MRT station should be well designed to efficiently guide passengers to their destinations in a short period to avoid losing their way. However, few literatures had discussed and applied the wayfinding techniques to terminal design. They were improved only based on some trial-and-error approaches after the terminal was operated. This may result in an increased time and cost. They don’t establish the evaluation model during the planning and/or operational stages. Thus, developing an efficient evaluation model is necessary for the above issue.
The major user of terminal is passengers. For this reason, this study mainly considers the service facilities and layout that relate to the various activities of passengers who enter, leave, or transfer in MRT station. To explore the key wayfinding criteria, in-terminal interviewing and passenger flow survey were conducted and statistically analyzed. This study establishes an evaluation framework using Analytic Hierarchy Process to solve the multi-criteria wayfinding design problems. The framework consists of three layers, i.e., spatial layout, guidance sign system, and peripheral assistant facilities. Each layer is associated with a number of evaluation criteria. Each criterion is quantified by a corresponding index by using approaches such as Sight Line Analysis, Inter-connection Density, etc. Scholars and practical experts major in transportation and architecture fields were invited to decide the weight of each criterion. The survey result showed that the spatial layout is a key concern.
This study demonstrates the procedure of application to inspect and evaluate the wayfinding design process for Taipei main station and Kuting station. The quantified evaluation framework is used to compare the spatial layouts and possible improvement between designs, and provide suggestions for station re-arrangement. And the end, this study shows the improved suggestions of Taipei main station. The developed approach is found to be capable of inspecting and evaluating various layout designs for MRT stations during planning and/or operational stages. The evaluation results can use as a guide for further layout design of MRT stations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis