標題: 建構一個可有效降低研發生產週期之模式─以晶圓製造廠為例
The Construction of an Effective Method for Reducing R&D Cycle Time based on a Wafer Fabrication Installation
作者: 周繼武
Dr. Rong-Kwei Li
關鍵字: 研發;技術開發;生產週期;衡量指標;X-factor;技術移轉;R& D;Technology Development;Cycle Time;KPI;X-factor;Technology Transfer
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 半導體新製程技術開發是晶圓製造業的命脈,在技術與成本競爭激烈的環境中,縮短技術開發的時間並及時量產,不但是獲利的要件,更是攸關企業生存的工作,而研發單位屬於源頭的管理,因此,本研究希望藉由探討半導體廠研發單位在新製程開發、技術移轉以及進入先期量產的過程中,與工程及製造單位共用使同一Fab之資源衝突模式下,期望化解研發及Fab製造單位之間的資源衝突問題,以達公司整體績效最佳化。 本論文所發展之半導體業降低生產週期模式,係以研發專案實驗時程為基礎,採用X-factor理論來建立研發批貨績效衡量指標,依產業特性及數據資料,嘗試來建構適合的降低研發生產週期模式、達到及時量產(Time-To-Market)的目的。 本研究的貢獻在於找出研發實驗批貨生產週期的方法論、設計出績效衡量指標,依此來建構研發生產週期降低模式。模式中以X-factor指標衡量Fab在執行研發批貨上的準時達交程度,同時以創新的F-factor指標評估研發單位是否及時解決製程上的問題,並可做為研發技術移轉時的參考指標。管制衡量指標以做持續性的改善,期大幅縮短產品開發時間,提高公司的營運績效及競爭優勢。
Since both technology development and current mass production methods use the same fabrication facilities, it is the aim of this paper to probe global optimization benefits linking R&D and the Fab. The study utilizes X-factor theory to construct an R&D engineering run cycle time reduction model, using real world data to test the model. Consequently, the research can be used to shorten R&D cycle time and show Fab-run R&D Lot on-time delivery performance for new R&D technology. The company can then take advantage of these key factors thereby managing and improving operational performance in the semiconductor industry. The strategy generates a methodology that calculates R&D cycle times, designs the KPI, constructs a model for R&D cycle time reduction, and finally, to strives for continuous improvement using the SPC chart as a monitoring mechanism. The major indices used are the X-factor (XFab), which tracks a Fab''s on-time delivery performance for new R&D technology, and the F-factor which tracks new R&D technology manufacturing maturity processes and lot inventory costs.