標題: 綠色旅館管理之研究
Essays on the Green Hotel Management
作者: 謝懷恕
Shieh, Hwai-Shuh
Sheu, Her-Jiun
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 綠色旅館評比系統;內容分析;資料包絡法;托賓迴歸法;截斷迴歸法;成本效率;green hotel rating system;content analysis;DEA;Tobit regression approach;truncated regression approach;cost efficiency
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在旅館業,綠色環保的概念不再只是時尚的議題;綠色旅館正成為主流。本論文研究可分為兩個主要部分。一個是發展綠色旅館評比系統的概念架構;另一部分則是進行台灣國際觀光旅館之實證研究。本論文的第一部分,在回顧相關文獻的基礎上,透過內容分析研究方法,嘗試發展綠色旅館評比系統的一般概念架構,本論文建議應由三個主要部分組成,包括環境保護,自然保育和建物基礎設施,共有二十個屬性。本論文應用這個概念架構比較七個世界著名的綠色旅館評比系統,包括北美的Green Leaf、美國的Green Seal、加拿大的Green Key、歐盟的Eco-label與 Green Key、英國的Green Tourism Business Scheme、中國的Green Hotel Standard,以及LEED。本論文研究發現,幾乎這七種評比系統標準很少強調自然保育和建物基礎設施。本論文提出了一種更全面性的概念架構,並提供確切可行的與可衡量的標準,期以此綠色旅館評比系統的概念架構,能做為政府主管機關及觀光旅館業的發展參考與指引。然而,評比系統的一般概念架構,其特色是複雜的,多重的,相對性和動態性的。政府主管機關及旅館業經營者應當根據其地理位置和特定的情況下選擇適當的屬性,給予不等的權重考量,制定符合當地發展需求的評比系統。在本論文研究的第二部分以台灣國際觀光旅館為研究對象,探討環境(綠色)對成本效率的影響。本論文應用兩階段的資料包絡分析法(DEA),並在第二階段分別使用Tobit與Truncated迴歸方法來探討,這兩種方法皆發現,台灣國際觀光旅館的綠色程度對成本效率並無顯著影響。
Going ‘green’ is more than a mere fad in the hotel industry and green hotel is becoming the mainstream. The dissertation covers a wide range of issues and can be divided to two main parts. One is to develop a conceptual framework of green hotel rating system; the other is about empirical studies on ITHs in Taiwan. In the first part of the dissertation first tries to develop a general conceptual framework of the green hotel rating system by using the content analysis research method, based on the relative literature review, and it should consist of three main parts including environmental protection, natural conservation and building infrastructure and comprise a total of twenty attributes. The dissertation applies this conceptual framework to compare seven well-known green hotel rating programs, including Green Leaf in North America; Green Seal in the US, Canada’s Green Key, the EU’s Eco-label and Green Key, Britain’s Green Tourism Business Scheme, China’s Green Hotel Standard, and LEED. The dissertation finds almost all of these seven rating systems’ criteria put little emphasis on natural conservation and building infrastructure. The dissertation proposes a general conceptual framework featuring its complex, multiple, relativistic and dynamic nature as a more comprehensive framework of green hotel rating system to provide the authorities and hoteliers a guideline for identifying and implementing practical and measurable criteria to assess green hotels. However the authorities and hoteliers should select some attributes depending on their geographic locations and specific situations. In the second part of the dissertation employs two stages DEA to explore the relationship between environmental (green) and cost efficiency in Taiwan ITHs. The empirical results show that both the level of green and the degree of green show insignificantly influence on the cost efficiency when using both Tobit regression approach and truncated regression approach in the second stage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis