Title: | 太陽能光電廠環境管理系統之績效評估 Performance appraisals of environmental management system for a solar photovoltaic factory |
Authors: | 吳靈鐸 Wu, Ling-Tuo 高正忠 Kao, Jehng-Jung 工學院永續環境科技學程 |
Keywords: | 環境績效評估;指標;太陽能光電;環境管理系統;指標篩選;The environmental performance evaluation;Indicator;A solar photovoltaic factory;Environmental management system;Indicator screening |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 目前已有不少公司認證環境管理系統(Environmental Management System, EMS),唯空有認證證書,僅代表建立了EMS,是否具有環境績效仍有待評估。本研究因而評估一個太陽能廠建立EMS前後的環境績效。研究流程主要分為環境績效評估需求分析、環境績效指標篩選與建立、及依所建立指標評估EMS執行前後環境績效等三大步驟。首先依據案例廠特性、EMS目標及執行方案分析環境績效評估需求,歸納應評估的六大面向為能源與溫室氣體、減廢、水資源(含廢水管理) 、空氣品質(含異味改善) 、污染預防及清潔生產。然後收集各類指標,包括ISO14031規範、GRI、生態效益及其他相關指標,且建立指標初選原則,之後據以進行各類指標初選分析,再建立指標篩選原則,並篩選出適合評估各面向的15個指標,再依篩選出之指標收集EMS執行前後之相關數據,且對應EMS管理目標及所執行策略或行動評估案例廠執行EMS前後的環保績效,最後依據所建立指標及案例廠現況提出後續改善方案,以期持續提昇環境管理績效。 分析2006年至2009年案例廠執行EMS前後六大面向共15個指標之結果,可看出案例廠執行EMS對各面向大多有正面效益,如能源與溫室氣體、減廢、空氣品質、污染預防及清潔生產,不但節省能資源使用,更減少空污、廢水及廢棄物產生。且依據指標表現及可再改善空間提出生產排程調配改善、空調系統節能改善調整、降低製程溶劑使用改善…等方案,以期持續提昇環境管理績效。 Nowadays, many companies have established their own environmental management systems (EMS). However, having an EMS does not always indicate positive environmental performance improvement. This study was thus initiated for assessing the environmental performance of a solar photovoltaic company before and after its EMS was established. The assessment procedure proposed in this study includes three major steps: assessment requirement analysis for environmental performance evaluation, selection and establishment of appropriate indicators, and to appraise the environmental performance of the company by established indicators. First, the assessment requirement was determined based on the characteristics of the company, EMS objectives and implemented EMS projects. Six major aspects should be evaluated: energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, waste reduction, water resources and wastewater, air quality and odor, pollution prevention, and clean production. Various indicators, including ISO14031 standard, GRI, eco-efficiency and other related indicators, were collected. Several rules were proposed to preliminarily screen the indicators, followed by a detail selection procedure according to several established criteria. Fifteen indicators were finally selected and established. Data of the company before and after its EMS establishment were collected for computing the indicators. The environmental performance of the company was then evaluated according to the values of the indicators and corresponding EMS management objectives and strategies. Finally, several potential programs for improving the environmental performance of the company were suggested based on the evaluation. According to the data for 2006-2009, before and after its EMS establishment, and results of all indicators, positive environmental performance improvement for most aspects can be observed for the company, including energy saving and greenhouse gas emission reduction, waste reduction, air pollution reduction, significant pollution prevention, and cleaner production. According to the indicators and evaluation, potential programs such as proper production scheduling, energy-saving with proper HAVC system operation, reduction of solvent usage, were suggested. With the proposed indicators and programs, the environmental performance of the company is expected to be constantly enhanced. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/40698 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |