標題: 高科技廠房無塵室極早型火警偵測器佈點
The Study of the Very Early Warning Fire Detection for the Semiconductor Fab
作者: 鍾玉慰
關鍵字: 極早型火警偵測器;無塵室;功能性設計;VESDA;Clearn Room;PBD
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本論文以晶圓廠無塵室之極早型火警偵測系統佈點研究為對象,針對其特殊環境以極早型火警偵測系統進行探討分析與實驗,藉以得到較佳化的極早型火警偵測器佈點資訊,作為既設廠無塵室極早型火警偵測系統改善參考,與新建廠無塵室極早型火警偵測系統施工設計之參考資訊。 現行法規規定,無塵室內須裝設偵煙式火警探測器(煙遮蔽率約5% obs/m)。但有鑑於目前符合法規之火警探測器靈敏度無法符合無塵室火災預警時效需求。無塵室火災發生,若依賴傳統火警探測器偵測並發出警報,則此時火災產生的大量煙粒子已然對無塵室潔淨度造成極大的影響及損害。極早型火警探測器(煙遮蔽率約0.005% obs/m)因其具頗佳早期預警功能,現已被半導體廠房普遍用於廠內特殊區域或環境內之火災預警系統,其多被裝置於無塵室內,如回風過濾區Dry coil前、高架地板下方空間與具高火災風險機台之週遭環境。 極早型火警探測器常見問題有誤警率與定址能力。透過對其進行分析探討與實際放煙測試分析,可藉以降低誤報率,確認極早型火警探測器反應時間能否在可接受範圍內有效偵測,並藉以了解極早型火警探測器有效反應之直線距離。依此結果,訂定出適當設計、標準與規格,使系統在火災發生時,能有效發揮最佳的預警功能,讓應變組織人員得以即時撲滅火災,增強無塵室火災防護能力,降低火災發生風險或火災發生之災害損失,確實達到早期發現早期處理的萬全準備。
The thesis deliberates the establishment of Very Early Warning Fire Detection System and its performance in a semiconductor cleanroom. It probes such system to analyze and test in the cleanroom with its own special environment condition, so as to obtain the better installation information. Then, these information can serve as the references for the improvement for the existed facilities and the design guides for the newly facilities under construction. The current fire-fighting related laws require that cleanroom must install fire detectors with smoke type, whose sensitivity in smoke obscuration is approximately 5% obs/m. But such sensitivity is unable to meet the pre-alarm requirement. If fire occurs in cleanroom, the response time from the general fire detector warning system is too long since the massive smoke has already polluted and destroyed the cleanroom purity. The Very Early Warning Fire Detection System, whose smoke obscuration is approximately 0.005% obs/m, has the capability of the quick detecting and warning, therefore, it has been generally adopted by the special workshop regions of the semiconductor facilities. In general, it is installed in cleanroom region, such as the dry coil in RAP, the frame underneath the waffle, and the neighborhood of machine tools with the high fire risk. The Very Early Warning Fire Detection System often accompanies with the problems, such as the high fault alarm rate and the addressing identification ability. According to the analyzed data and actual smoke test results, it can reduce mistakenly reporting rate, confirm whether the system reaction time in the acceptable range, and find out the detection straight distance. From these test data, we can determine the suitable design, the standard and the specification for the Very Early Warning Fire Detectionsystem. The optimal Very Early Warning Fire Detection System can effectively provide the quick warning singal if the fire happens. Then, the personnel of emergency response team can immediately take proper action to suppress the fire that enhances the ability of cleanroom fire protection, reduces the fire risk or loss. In other words, it truly achieves early identification and early time response for the completely fire safety preparation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis