標題: 高科技廠房本質較安全設計策略應用可行性研究-建置本質較安全應用機制
Feasibility Study of Inherently Safer Design Strategies in High-Tech FAB: Establishing an Inherently Safter Application Model
作者: 張國基
kuo-chi Chang
Chun-Yu Chen
Yi Chang
關鍵字: 本質較安全設計;濕式蝕刻製程;製程機台安全;電力系統安全;inherently safer design;wet bench process;machinery safer;power system safer
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 光電及半導體等高科技產業目前已成為國內最重要的經濟活動項目,這兩兆雙星產業也各自擁有完整的原物料製造、前期加工、成品製造及最終處理的完整供應鏈,在供應鏈中的任何公司都是重要一份子,因為任何火災、爆炸、氣體洩漏、電力中斷等災害,都將造成供應鏈的中斷,進而造成無法持續運作的窘境。 光電及半導體高科技產業在其製程均使用到大量的特殊氣體、化學品及製程機台設備,這些原物料及機台設備均可能因為意外或未妥善設置而發生嚴重損失或事故。 探討本質較安全設計(Inherently Safer Design)之策略作法有強化(Intensification)、取代(Substitution)、減弱(Attenuation)、限制影響(Limitation of Effects)、簡單化(Simplification)、避免骨牌效應(Avoiding Knock-on Effect)、防愚設計(Making Incorrect Assembly Impossible)、狀態清晰(Making Status Clear)、容忍(Tolerance)、易於控制(Ease of Control)及軟體(Software)等,目的希望了解本質較安全設計存在的功能與價值,並且了解本質較安全設計策略精神。 本研究經由實驗與現有實際應用檢討兩階段,詳細討論本質較安全策略運用於高科技廠房的可行性,結果除了能維持現有的製程良率外,更可藉由本質較安全設計策略來提升製程、設備與廠務安全性,如此杜絕火災、爆炸、機械危害、洩漏中毒、腐蝕等危害發生,讓企業能在穩定、安全中成長。
High-tech industries, such as those producing semi-conductor and TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display), have recently become the most important economic activities in Taiwan. Each of these industries has a complete chain of supply from raw material production, production preprocessing, product manufacturing, to waste handling. Any company in the chain is a critical component, since any accidents of fire, explosion, gas leakage, or power outage would cut off the supply chain, causing inability of continuous operation. In industries of semi-conductor and TFT-LCD, great amounts of special gases and chemicals with many machinery equipments are used in the production processes. In cases of accidents or improper installation, these chain of supply, from raw material production, preproduction, product manufacturing, to waste handling materials and equipments may cause severe damages or incidents. In this study, strategies of Inherently Safer Design are explored, which include intensification, substitution, attenuation, limitation of effects, simplification, knock-on effect avoidance, incorrect assembly elimination, clear status, tolerance, ease of control, software, and so on. The purpose of the survey is to understand the function and value of inherently safer design and the essence of the strategies. Through the two phases of experiment and practical application evaluation, the feasibilities of inherently safer design strategies in facilities of high-tech industries are discussed in detail. It is concluded that the strategies not only can maintain existing YE, but also can enhance safety in production processes, equipments, and FAB. Such improvements prevent hazards such as fire, explosion, mechanical injuries, poisoning and corroding from leaks, so as to allow high-tech industries to grow in stable and safe conditions.


  1. 650901.pdf
  2. 650902.pdf

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