Title: | 計算能力是否為影響僑生微積分學習成效的因素 To see if computing ability of overseas students is the factor determining learning effects of Calculus |
Authors: | 方怡中 Fang, I- Chung 白啟光 Pai, Chi-Guang 應用數學系所 |
Keywords: | 微積分學習成效;Calculus Achievement |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在了解程序上的計算能力是否為影響國立交通大學的大一僑生的微積分學習成效的因素。 本研究以大一1202位微積分學生為研究對象,其中包含42位僑生大一新生,以九十九學年度第一學期的微積分會考試題及選答情況,對本份試卷進行量化和質性的研究,並比對僑生和全校學生答對率的差量與題目程序上計算複雜度的關係。 本研究之主要發現如下: 僑生在程序性題目中,對於計算量大的題目,比較容易出錯,並隨著題目的計算量愈大,僑生與全校的答對率差量愈大。 The aim of the research is to check if computing ability is a factor affecting the calculus learning of the overseas freshmen of National Chiao Tung University. The research was based on 1202 students learning calculus, 42 of whom were overseas freshmen. The research analyzed the calculus examination of the first semester, 2000, and compared the outcomes of the overseas freshmen and the local students, depending on the answering rates and the complexity on procedures. The main finding is as follows: Concerning procedural knoweledge, if a test question requires much calculation, overseas students tend to make errors. The more calculation a question requires, the lower answering rates they get. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/40822 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |