標題: 整合個別差異與科技接受模式以分析數位學習之採用
The Integration of Individual Differences and Technology Acceptance Model in The Analysis of E-learning Adoption
作者: 曾愛華
Tseng, Ai-Hua
Chang, Chia-Chi
關鍵字: 科技接受模式;控制信念;電腦自我效能;數位學習;technology acceptance model;locus of control;computer self-efficacy;e-learning
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 數位學習(e-learning)是有效訓練員工之方法。因此影響數位學習採用之因素值得進一步探究。在快速變遷的工作環境中,員工必須有效學習以解決問題及提升績效。雖然許多大型公司已經以數位學習來訓練員工,但其使用率仍低。因此,瞭解影響「接受數位學習」之相關因素是重要的議題。分析高科技公司「接受數位學習」是重要的考量,此乃因這些公司面臨全球經濟之嚴峻競爭。本研究整合控制信念(locus of control)、電腦自我效能(computer self-efficacy)及科技接受模式(technology acceptance model, TAM)為一個模式,來檢驗「延伸之科技接受模式」(extended TAM)之可行性,並進一步解釋影響高科技公司員工接受數位學習之因素。資料收集來自於位於台灣新竹科學園區之五家高科技公司,共223位員工。以結構方程模式為分析工具,結果顯示如下:「內控」(internals) 對「知覺有用」與「知覺易用」均有正向直接效果。「高電腦自我效能」(high self-efficacy)對「知覺易用」與「數位學習使用行為意圖」均有正向直接效果。「知覺有用」對「數位學習使用行為意圖」有正向直接效果。「知覺易用」對「知覺有用」與「數位學習使用行為意圖」均有正向直接效果。整體而言,研究結果支持「延伸之科技接受模式」可解釋為什麼使用者採用數位學習系統。本研究亦將討論對實務界之意涵。
Electronic learning (e-learning) have been identified as an efficient method of employee training. The related factors affecting e-learning adoption warrant further exploration. With rapid changes in working environments, employees must learn efficiently to solve problems and thus enhance their performance. While many large companies have recently implemented e-learning for employee training, e-learning systems are often underutilized. Therefore, understanding the factors associated with acceptance to e-learning are of priority concern. The analysis of e-learning adoption is especially important for the high-tech companies, since these companies encounter intense competition in today’s global economy. The current research integrated locus of control, computer self-efficacy, and technology acceptance model (TAM) into one model to examine the feasibility of the extended TAM. The current research also explained how different factors affect employee e-learning adoption in high-tech companies. Data were collected from 223 employees at 5 high-tech companies located in the Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan. Results analyzed by structural equation modeling indicated that locus of control had significant direct effects on both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Computer self-efficacy had significant direct effects on both perceived ease of use and behavioral intention to use. Perceived ease of use had significant effects on both perceived usefulness and behavioral intention. Overall, analytical results provided strong support for using the extended TAM to explain why users adopted the e-learning systems. Implications for practitioners are also discussed.