標題: 大專院校宿舍用水設備改善節水效率之研究評估-以國立交通大學為例
Assessment of water-saving efficiency of improving the water equipments for university’s dormitory-A Case Study of National Chiao Tung University
作者: 楊光立
Yang, Kuang-Li
關鍵字: 學校建築;使用者用水量;節水率;school building;the user water consumption;water rate
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 近年來由於全球氣候的異常變化,使得世界各國開始重視如何減少碳量的產生,因此所謂的節能減碳便造就了全民話題,鑑於如何降低碳量的產生,首重目標當是節約能源,而水的資源亦是目前需要注重的問題。故本研究以目前省水設備器材如何應用於校園建築物內,並以其有效之節水率來達到減少水資源浪費及節省經費為目的。 蒐集調查校園宿舍建築物內之用水設備與使用者習慣之影響因子(Impact factors),以及使用者用水量調查,構建日後規劃作業上之資料參考,如此可以避免盲目更換而造成不必要之成本浪費、增加學校經費負擔。其次,透過省水設備之有效節水率及其組合,將水資源能夠有效節省運用,且不造成使用者日常生活之影響,此成果可供校園規劃改善時能有一參考模式,以提昇未來決策方向。
Due to the recent global abnormal climate, it is important to reduce carbon emission. In view of the measures of reducing carbon emission, the first important option is to save energy, while water resources are also needed to focus on. The purpose of this study is to present how to apply water-saving equipment for the school building, with the goal of raising water-saving rate and money saving accordingly. This case study is based on surveying impact factors of water equipment of dormitory building on the campus and the custom of users and water volume, hereby avoiding unnecessary replacement and cost burden. Secondly, through the combinations of water-saving equipment, it will effectively save the consumption of water resources, and do not affect the life of user. To sum up, the results could be referred to improve the water equipments for campus planning in the future, meanwhile increasing the quality of decision.
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