Title: 智慧空間中機能與元素的新交互關係系統: 以提出個人化的智慧起居空間與用餐空間為例
The new inter-relationship system of smart space between functions and elements: a personalized smart living and dinning space
Authors: 黃郁鈞
Huang, Yu-Chun
Liu, Yu-Tung
Keywords: 人機互動;智慧空間;Human-Computer Interaction (HCI);smart space
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 綜觀建築歷史,其建築形態會隨著文化、時代背景、科技而改變,當然建築最基本的元素、機能、與人之間的互動關係也不斷地在改變。20世紀末,電腦科技的蓬勃發展下讓傳統建築產生巨幅的轉變,不但間接影響了建築外部的造型,也改變了內部配置方式,而遍佈式運算概念 (ubiquitous computing)、人機互動 (human-computer interaction/HCI) 技術也讓傳統上靜態的建築空間轉變為可感知人、與人互動的「智慧空間」(smart space),然而,HCI出現似乎改變了原有元素的特性且間接讓空間元產生更多的機能性,因此本研究所探討的方向是:在HCI的影響下,其智慧空間中的機能和元素是否產生了變化?且其機能和元素之間所產生的新交互關係 (new inter-relationship) 為何?

且在智慧空間研究中,多著重在以數位科技的角度探討其系統的組織與運作的流程,為了以更全面的角度探討智慧空間構成,本研究將就「建築」與「HCI」雙向的觀點對現有智慧空間作分析評估,並以建築的基本構成 (機能和元素的關聯性) 來做為分析的基礎,以及建構出一個新智慧空間系統架構,在藉由系統實作 (system framework) 測試其可行性。因而本研究步驟分為三個部分:HCI角度分析評估、建築角度分析評估、系統架構推論、系統雛形建立。

而研究結果的部份,所推論出的新系統架構中可發現,相較傳統建築空間,智慧空間中所產生的新元素—「虛擬元素」在未來會和「實體元素」擁有相同的重要地位,因而本研究所提出的系統雛型 (system prototype) –「Personalized Smart Living + Dinning Space」著重在個人化情境轉換的智慧空間。而透過系測試中則可清楚傳達,元素、機能、使用者、空間彼此的關係,且也為智慧空間的研究帶來新視野,同時更也空間設計者與資訊者能以雙向的觀點理解智慧空間的機能構成、系統架構、以及元素和空間的連結性。
In architecture history, architectural form is constantly affected by culture, society, human and technology. Therefore, the interaction of basic architectural elements, functions and human beings has been evolving in different era. In the 20th century, with the development of computational technology, architecture underwent dramatic transformation. Human-computer interaction (HCI) transformed architectural space into a smart space which was able to provide interaction between human and living environment. However, most smart space cases focused on the point of computational technology (such as system efficiency). Thus this research intends to stand on views of both architecture and HCI to explore the new inter-relationship of smart space by using “elements” and “functions”.

The methodology and steps of this research can be divided into four parts: the first step, case study of smart space based on architectural view; the second step, case study of smart space based on HCI view; the third step, combining previous two steps to derive the new inter-relationship system framework of smart space (based on element and function) and the forth step, system prototype implementation.

As a result, within the new system framework, compared to traditional architecture, the emerging new element—“digital element” (such as digital message, digital photos or digital music) will become as important as physical elements in smart space. Future smart space has to take into account how digital elements are presented and arranged onto to physical elements. My system prototype–“ Personalized Smart Living + Dinning Space” demonstrated how to adequately merge digital and physical elements in the living environment and how to create a personalized adaptable scenario according to different user’s mobile phone. Also, this research brought in a novel point of view which provides mutual communication between architectural designer and computational designer to understand the organization of smart space, including the relationship between functions, element, system and space.
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