標題: 互動空間之電腦輔助設計系統
A Computer Aided Design system for Interactive Space
作者: 施文禮
Shih, Wingly
Liu, Yu-Tung
關鍵字: 電腦輔助設計;人機互動;視覺語言;智慧空間;互動空間;Computer Aided Design;Human Computer Interaction;Visual Programming;Smart Space;Interactive Space
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 隨著科技的發展,實體的建築空間開始與虛擬的資訊內容產生了連結,空間的構成元件已不再僅有材料與支撐結構,資訊內容與數位媒體也成為了空間組成的一部分,空間不再是靜態的,而是可以回應存在期間的人們,自動地或是被動地透過彼此互動的形式來滿足他們的需求,我們稱這樣的空間為智慧空間或互動空間。 然而,互動空間的設計與建立需要擁有空間設計專業的空間設計師與具備資訊設計專業的資訊設計師兩者的合作,我們發現,這兩種不同的背景的設計師們在各自的領域雖然都有著專業的電腦輔助設計工具可用,但是卻缺乏一個整合性的電腦輔助設計系統幫助彼此共同進行互動空間的設計。換言之,現有的電腦輔助設計工具較難以滿足互動空間的設計需求。 本研究的目的,就在設計並實作出一個新的電腦輔助設計系統雛形,希冀能夠給予空間設計師與資訊設計師協助智慧或互動空間的建立,讓設計的流程更加直接而不需要在各種軟體與專業知識間變換,讓互動空間的設計變得更加的容易,讓更多人,即使沒有專業知識,也可以透過這個工具表達自己對於互動空間的設計想法。
With the development of information technology, there are more and more instances showing combination of the physical architectural space and the virtual information. The constructing components of a space are more than materials and supporting structures, while information contents and digital media are included. The space becomes dynamic, responds to users inside and makes their demands satisfied via interaction with them actively or passively. We then call this kind of space the Smart Space or Interactive Space. However, the design and build process of interactive space is required to the cooperation of spatial designers and information designers. Although the designers come from two different backgrounds have their own professional CAD tools in each fields, they do not have one integrated CAD system to help them design interactive space with each other. In other words, the existing CAD tools lack the functionality for interactive space design. The purpose of this research is to design and implement a prototype system of a novel CAD tool to help spatial designers and information designers designing smart space or interactive space, and make the design process more intuitive without switching between different software and domain knowledge. The design of interactive space will become easier and make more users, even without any expertise to present their thoughts about interactivity of spaces via this tool.


  1. 682201.pdf
  2. 682202.pdf

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