Title: 創新中介之角色、分類與系統能力
The Role, Typology and System Competence of Innovation Intermediation
Authors: 楊佳翰
Keywords: 創新中介;技術類型;技術系統;開放式創新;服務模式;技術交易;Innovation intermediary;Technological regime;Technological system;Open innovation;Service pattern;Technology transaction
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討不同技術類型下的創新中介角色、分類與其創新系統建構,並將針對IC設計、IC製造、機械元件設計等三種技術類型,分析不同技術產品對創新中介發展之影響。 隨著知識全球化與開放式創新模式興起,創新中介與中介市場日漸受相關研究者重視,然而,過去針對創新中介之研究並未針對中介技術的類型作差異討論,且均僅集中於企業層級之營運策略研究,缺少產業層級與技術系統建構之分析。因此,本研究將針對前述理論缺口,以台灣創新中介產業為對象,探討技術類型差異、中介分類與營運模式、以及創新中介於不同技術系統之角色等三項議題;研究設計將兼採量性與質性資料,利用因子分析、群落分析、判別分析、DEMATEL網絡分析、ANP、專家訪談、與類型比對法,探討台灣創新中介產業之發展策略。 本論文依此設計,建構出一技術類型評估架構,並依此架構提出台灣創新中介營運模式之對應分類,進而探討在IC設計、IC製造與機械元件設計的技術系統中,不同創新中介平台可發揮之角色。
This research aims to analyze the role, typology and system competence building of innovation intermediary in the context of technological regime, especially focusing on the cases of IC design, IC fabrication, and mechanical design. With knowledge evolving dynamically and proliferating globally, innovation is becoming a more open process in which system integration of knowledge is pivotal in controlling information trafficking and management, using the purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation and expand markets for the external use of innovation. Yet the evidence supporting the phenomenon of open innovation mechanism remains underdeveloped. There has also been little examination in the context of intermediate markets. As a result, to answer the research question concerning innovation intermediaries in Taiwan, the research consists three parts so as to explore the three theoretical gaps related to technological regime, business model of innovation intermediary, and role of innovation intermediary in technological system, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative approaches of factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, DEMATEL method, ANP analysis, expert interview, and pattern matching method, respectively. In light of this research design, the results of this research are therefore threefold, namely, constructing a framework of technological regime, providing a typology and business model analysis of innovation intermediaries in terms of technological regime and service pattern, and identify the role of innovation intermediary in different technological system in the context of IC design, IC fabrication and mechanical design technlogy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis