Title: 鄉間路旁桿件加貼反光片之研究
A Study on the Usage of Retroreflective Sheeting for the Pole in the Rural Roadside
Authors: 陳昱宏
Chen, Yu-Hung
Huang, Tai-Sheng
Keywords: 反光片;交通標誌;Retroreflective sheeting;Traffic Sign
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 我國道路兩旁常設有許多不同類型之桿件,如電力(信)輸送桿、號誌標誌桿、或路燈燈桿。這些桿件雖有其設置之必要,然而多少也會對於道路用路人,尤其是機動車輛駕駛人,形成可能的碰撞風險。在鄉間道路因照明設施不足,更使路側桿件成為行車事故之主因,地方交通主管機關除了加強宣導,提醒機動車輛駕駛人提高注意、避免與這些桿件碰撞外,也想到強化這些桿件的被辨識率,如在桿件上加設反光裝置,讓機動車輛駕駛人能夠更清楚辨識到這些桿件的存在及其相對位置,以降低碰撞機會。 本研究透過實地實驗的方式和結果的討論,了解反光片的實際反光可視距離、反光片箭頭圖案之辨識性、亮度及眩光情形、電桿原繪障礙物標識辨識情形及道路線型可視效果,最後並就桿件防汙損的情形提供鄰國日本的例子,供國內未來相關使用方面之參考。
There are so many utility poles 、telephone poles or street light poles in the roadside. They are useful but also may be a risk to the vehicle driver.Lack of illumination in the rural road often cause pole to be a reason of accident. Local traffic administration tries to through various ways to call vehicle driver to pay attention to the roadside pole, also search for the ways about reflection on the poles to make vehicle driver more easily to know the existence and location of the pole. Through the experiment and the discussion of the result, we know the visible distance 、pattern 、brightness and glare situation of the retroreflective sheeting. At the last, we offer a example about current application in japan for reference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis