標題: 龍岡清真寺社群的形成和其在全球化脈絡下的發展
Formation, Development, and Globalization of the Long-gang Mosque Community
作者: 馬欣
Ma, Shin
Chun, Allen
關鍵字: 穆斯林;伊斯蘭;龍岡;Muslim;Islam;Long-gang
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本論文所指定探討的主體乃一以伊斯蘭為其信仰所結合的穆斯林社群,在中壢龍岡清真寺所形成的宗教認同。論文的研究方式主要以田野訪查為主,藉由問卷以及實地的參訪談蒐集來的資料,進一步深入了解其社群組成在近年來的發展與變化,其成員的行為模式及個體意識在全球化脈落下的轉變。 此一社群成員雖則多屬於一出生即信仰伊斯蘭的穆斯林,但大致可一分為三,一是在原本即在鄰近的忠貞眷村生活、成長的雲南裔軍民及其後裔;二是非出生於台,多於民國60年後因各種因素得以來台永久定居的滇緬軍後裔、泰緬華僑;第三類則為大量東南亞各國來台打工短居的穆斯林,或是已嫁娶台籍人士的東亞外籍配偶在寺活動。 在台灣這個非穆斯林的社會中,自民國三十九年國民政府遷台後,便聚集了來自中國大陸各地區的穆斯林。他們不但需要重新適應新的社會環境,也面臨如何在宗教教規和現實中取得平衡。穆斯林在世俗生活上的限制使得各項伊斯蘭信仰的活動受限,造成了穆斯林社群對伊斯蘭文化的認同逐漸降低,也缺乏實際傳教的誘因,因此出現宗教傳承的生存危機。 在這樣的種種不利條件之下,龍岡清真寺的穆斯林成員不但能夠堅守自己的伊斯蘭文化,並行有餘力的蓬勃發展。其中的因素是些什麼?他們對於伊斯蘭文化的保留及延續方式,與適應台灣社會之信仰模式即為了解其之所以得以繼續存活、壯大的焦點,而新生代的穆斯林承先啟後、繼往開來的重責大任又將因何以實現?皆為本文最主要的研究所在。
The study is focused on the formation and localization of the Muslim community in Lungkang Mosque which located on Zhongli, Taiwan. The methodologies applied in this research are including fieldwork, questionnaire, participant observation. The research will deliberate the development and changing of the members in this community, their behavior patterns, individual consciousness in the context of globalization. Majority of the members in this community are inborn Muslim. In general, they could be categorized into three groups: Firstly, they are descendant of Yunnan military and live in Zhong Zheng Village area; secondly, the descendant of Yunnan-Burma military but born in Myanmar or Thailand. These Chinese overseas moved to Taiwan especially in 1970s; lastly, the Muslims from Southeast Asia who worked as temporary workers in Taiwan, and the Muslims who have married to Taiwanese. Taiwan, the un-Islamic society had gathered Muslim from various localities and ethnic group from Mainland China since the Government of National Party (KMT) moved to Taiwan in 1949. The Muslims not only had to adapt themselves to the new environment, but also facing the stress in finding balancing between religious principles (Sharia) and the realistic of environment. The limitations in everyday lifestyles of Muslim have confined the activities of Islam in Taiwan. Consequently, this incurred the reducing of Islam identity among Muslim community and lost the motivation of preaching. The inheriting of Islam is in crisis. Under the unfavorable conditions, Muslim of Lungkung Mosque stand firm in their belief and develop vigorously. What is the reason for the development? Their reservation and succession method, and the adaptation strategic might not only lead to the survival, but also growing of Islam culture. Moreover, how does the Muslim new generation play a role in carrying of the past and opening a new chapter for the future? These are the crucial parts of this study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis