標題: 體驗行銷、意象與行為意圖關係之研究 -以國立故宮博物院來台旅客為例
The Relationshihp of Experiential Marketing,Image and intention in the Case of Foreign Tourists after Visiting the National Palace Museu
作者: 吳鴻瑾
Wu, Hung-Chin
Hwang, Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 來台旅客;故宮博物院;體驗行銷;foreign travelers,;The Nation Palace Museum;experiential marketing
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 近年來由於世界各國對文化觀光活動議題的重視,台灣代表中華文化的故宮博物院亦是吸引來旅客來台旅遊的重要景點之一。隨著政府推動觀光客倍增計畫,欲加強故宮博物院對台旅客對的文化特色,以行銷體驗吸引更多旅客來台並突顯台灣的國際形象。本研究以來台旅客中居住地為大陸港澳、日本、美加等三地區之205位旅客為對象,用人員訪問問卷調查的方式,檢視來台旅客參訪故宮博物院之體驗行銷,意象形成與行為意圖間之關係。研究結果顯示來台旅客參訪故宮博物院後,體驗行銷會透過意象為中介變數影響行為意圖。故本研究建議故宮博物院要確實加強體驗行銷之活動,強化來台旅客對故宮博物院意象的形成,達到吸引旅客再次造訪及推薦友人來台之目的。
Nowadays every nation has emphasized the culture tourism issues and The Nation Palace Museum is one of the most important culture tourism attractions for the foreign travelers to understand Chinese culture. The Doubling Visitor Arrivals Plan aims to restore the cultural role of the Nation Palace Museum for foreign travelers, applying experiential marketing to capture foreign tourists and promote image of Taiwan. This research focuses on the 205 respondents who live in the three areas, Mainland China/Hong Kong/Macao, Japan and north America. This survey randomly chose respondents to fill out questionnaires in the museum and searched the relationship of experiential marketing application and the image and behavior intention after foreign travelers visiting the museum. The research finds that experiential marketing will affect behavior intention through the image. So this research suggests The Nation Palace Museum should aggrandize experiential marketing activities to consolidate the museum image for foreign travelers, then these foreign travelers will visit again or recommend others.
Appears in Collections:Thesis