Title: 目標管理推行模式之構建 - 以某光電公司為例
Establishing an Execution Model for Management By Objectives - A case study of an Optoelectronics Technology Corporation
Authors: 林嘉儀
Lin, Chia-Yi
Tong, Lee-Ing
Keywords: 目標管理;關鍵績效指標;目標設定;Management by Objectives;Key Performance Indicators;Goal setting
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 根據過往研究顯示,國內外已有許多企業採用目標管理 (Management By Objectives, MBO) 來達成公司之經營目標。雖然妥善的推行目標管理可有效提升組織營運效能,但仍有許多企業因缺乏系統化的推動方法而遭遇重重困難。因此本研究以實務的角度出發,提出一套推行目標管理的標準作業流程 (以下簡稱OERA模式)。本研究除詳細說明OERA模式中的各步驟外,也將所需使用之各種表單予以標準化,以供推廣目標管理的企業與組織參考之用。本研究最後以國內某光電公司為實例驗證對象,透過資料蒐集與深度訪談,說明該公司如何運用OERA模式推行目標管理,以及驗證了本模式應用於實務上確可提升該公司之管理效益。本研究所提之OERA模式可運用於各行各業推動其目標管理工作,以縮短目標管理的導入時程,進而增加企業競爭力。
According the previous studies, many companies or corporations have implement Management by Objectives (MBO) to attain their management goals and targets. However, there still exist some difficulties, because many companies are lack of a systematic procedure when executing MBO in practice. The main objective of this study is to developing a standard process, OERA (Organize, Expand, Review, Ameliorate) model, for companies to implement MBO. Besides explicitly explaining each step of the proposed OERA model, this study also standardizes all necessary tables and forms for implementing MBO in a company. Finally, a case study of an optoelectronic corporation in Taiwan is utilized to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results of the case study indicate that the OERA model can actually reduce the timeframe and increase the competence capability of a company when the OERA is employed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis