Title: 高層建築物避難安全性能驗證評估
Validation and Assessment of Evacuation Safety Performance of High-Rise Buildings
Authors: 高元章
Kao, Yuan-Chang
Chen, Chun-Sung
Chen, Chun-Yu
Keywords: 高層建築;避難逃生;餘裕時間;性能式驗證;high-rise building;evacuation;slack time;performance-based verification
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 近年來由於經濟的發展,高樓地標性建築物如雨後春筍般地不斷增建,相形之下避難逃生益顯難;為避免火災造成傷亡,世界各先進國家,將避難行為模式已開始被合理的量化評估,並將性能式設計開始朝向評估建築物避難安全方向設計。 本案例使用『性能式避難逃生驗證法』研究中針對人員高樓層至中繼層避難逃生模式,進行性能式驗證;藉由驗算公式所得參數,加以分析評估,人員避難逃生,安全餘裕時間足夠避難;藉以突破傳統的規格式,條列式設計,建立一個可以將火災與風險採以量化分析評估;並以某大樓為例,評估分析方法驗證是否可以達到安全值的性能規範。 強化高層建築物設計缺失;可省下因設計不良及啟發對人員的避難安全有了更大之避難逃生保障。
In recent years, as high-rise buildings are densely constructed, the evacuation facilities of these buildings seem rather insufficient. In order to prevent the casualties caused by fire, advanced countries around the world have begun to conduct reasonable and quantified assessments on evacuation models, and focused the performance-based design of building on evacuation. This study applied the performance-based evacuation validation method on the evacuation of personnel from higher floors to intermediate floors. The parameters obtained from the equations were analyzed and assessed to ensure that sufficient time is provided for evacuation. Different from the traditional normalized and itemized design, this study constructed a quantified assessment model for fire disasters and risks, and used a high-rise building as an example to validate whether the proposed method could provide performance specifications that match the safety standards. Improving the design defects of high-rise buildings could prevent risks due to poor designs and ensure evacuation safety.
Appears in Collections:Thesis