標題: 專利經營方法與訴訟策略—以台灣半導體和電子產業為實證研究
Management Strategy for Patent Portfolio and Litigation—Empirical Study on Taiwan Semiconductor and IC Electronics Industries
作者: 施學浩
Liu, Shang-Jyh
關鍵字: 專利組合;專利訴訟;專利交易;專利經營策略;patent portfolio;patent litigation;patent mining;patent manage
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 台灣半導體和IC電子產業蓬勃發展,不論在產品研發、製造、銷售均極具競爭力,但是在專利的經營布局領域,大都沒有放足夠的人力、心思和資源經營,只有當公司面臨競爭者的專利訴訟或者專利談判時,才匆匆應付,往往準備不足而輸了訴訟或談判,必須付出極大的權利金或者產品被下禁制令而無法再銷售;因此,建立一套完整、健全的專利組合是現今保障企業永續經營之必要途徑。布局專利組合的取得來源可能有:自行研發而產出專利,併購同業而取得專利,或直接在專利交易市場上收購等等。各種來源均有其優缺利弊,專利的申請取得曠日費時,專利的買賣一件少則數十萬美元,多則可達數千萬美元;如何鼓勵公司內部研發專利,如何評價專利品質,如何有效維護所有的專利;在產業發展的何種階段,應該由何種來源來布局專利,才能構成有效的專利攻擊防禦網。透過實證研究的方法,了解台灣半導體和IC電子業者如何布局專利組合,和何種布局的專利組合最能有效地用來在訴訟中攻防。由實證資料歸納和分析,推論出何種方法布局專利組合所得的結果是最有效率的,對於產業的各種不同發展時期,均能有效地利用專利做為攻擊或防禦之武器:於專利數小於100件時,能成功使用專利訟訴者,通常是由購買專利所布局的專利組合;在專利數介於100件至1500件之間者,大部份使用併購同業等方式得來的專利,但也有部份使用自行研發專利和直接購買而來的專利;而專利數大於1500件以上之公司,其使用的專利幾乎是由自行研發、生產的發明案得來的。最後,可以由此實證所得的結果,歸納產生一個簡單的模型,建議產業界可依其現況,採取布局專利組合的策略和方法,以適用於其產業之各種不同發展時期。
Taiwan semiconductor and IC electrics industries were well established in pass few decades. The creative development of technology and effective manufacture both locate at cutting edge in the era. However, the management of patent portfolio is not adequate as strength weapon during patent litigation filed by competitors. Sometime loss in the litigation, the damage recovery for the patent infringement is dramatically higher than the profiles they earned in pass years. The resources for patent portfolio are generally from internal invention disclosure, acquisition during company merge and directly purchase from patent marketing. How did Taiwan companies assert their own patents in patent litigation or negotiation against the competitors? Which patent source is an effective weapon as counter suit in patent litigation? Empirical study and methodology were applied to analyze and to summarize the management of patent portfolio in Taiwan semiconductor and electrics industries. For approach, the companies are divided into 3 groups according to the stages of industrial development. The stages of industrial development were defined by their total patents. Most of the companies with less than 100 patents asserted their patents which were purchased from patent marketing in patent litigation. Most of companies with around 100 to 1500 patents asserted their patents which were acquired by company merge in patent litigation. Most of companies with more than 1500 patents asserted their patents which were created by their own invention disclosure in patent litigation. The results from empirical study are inducted to a simple model as the suggestion on the strategy and methodology for the management of patent portfolio. The model is suitable for Taiwan companies in different stages of industrial development.
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