標題: 應用於藍芽傳輸及液晶顯示器中閘極驅動器之資料轉換器設計
Data converters for Bluetooth and LCD column driver applications
作者: 李尚勳
Li, Shang-Shiun
Hung, Chung-Chih
關鍵字: 資料轉換器;藍芽傳輸;液晶顯示器;data converters;bluetooth;lcd column driver
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在許多訊號處理的應用上,資料轉換器是對於整個系統的速度和精準度相當重要的一塊電路,資料轉換器又分為類比數位資料轉換器和數位類比資料轉換器兩個部份。在類比數位資料轉換器中三角積分類比數位轉換器傳統地被使用在低訊號頻帶和高解析度的儀器、聲音和音頻訊號的應用上。而數位類比轉換器則應用在液晶顯示器的驅動器上。


In many signal processing applications, the data converter is a critical building block limiting the accuracy and speed of the overall system. Data converters have two type, Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC). In the analog-to-digital converter, sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter is traditionally used in instrumentation, voice, and audio applications that are low signal bandwidth and high resolution. Digital-to-analog converters are applied to the column driver circuit to drive the LCD pannal

In this thesis, the design flow of the continuous-time (CT) modulator is presented and a 100MHz CT single-bit active-RC sigma-delta modulator with 1MHz signal bandwidth for Bluetooth application is implemented. The design has been fabricated by TSMC 0.18μm CMOS process. The measured SNDR is 53.8dB and the dynamic range is about 56dB. The power consumption is about 10.2mW at 1.8V supply.

Furthermore, a DAC circuit for LCD column driver application is also implemented. Historically, column drivers have employed the resistor string DAC to provide the analog voltage, but it has to overcome solve problems. There we have developed a complete new system using a linear DAC in the column driver. The DAC circuit has been design by TSMC 0.35μm process.


  1. 360601.pdf
  2. 360602.pdf
  3. 360603.pdf

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