標題: 資訊融入教學對國中資源班學生的數學學習態度與成就之影響
Integrating technology into mathematics teaching and a study of its effect on the mathematics attitude and achievement of resource classroom students in junior high school
作者: 許錦芳
Ging-fang Shie
Yuan Yuan
Ming-jang Chen
關鍵字: 低成就學生;資源班;資訊融入教學;數學態度與成就;lower achiever;resource room;technology integrated activity;mathematics attitude and achievement
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究針對因為數學科表現低成就進入資源班接受補救教學的三名國中一年級個案設計並實施資訊融入教學,探討此一教學模式對資源班學生的數學學習態度與成就的影響。 研究者分析個案的成長背景與學習特質,選取「整數的加減法」與「幾何圖形的變換」兩個主題實施資訊融入的教學,其中,輔助教學的主要資訊軟體有PowerPoint、Flash、GSP三種,所有的教學歷程中均配合學習單的設計與使用,藉由課堂觀察、教師日誌的紀錄、學習單內容、學生填寫問卷以及訪談個案等進行資料的蒐集與分析。 結果發現資訊融入教學的模式確實能有效提升低成就學生的學習態度,而其學習表現在平時的教學與測驗中,雖然仍有遭遇學習瓶頸的時候,大部分時間皆有具體的成就,能達成學習目標。在「整數的加減法」主題裡,個案認為PowerPoint簡報呈現教材綱要的方式,有助於掌握學習的結構與重點,而Flash程式的藍、紅太極表徵則有助於理解整數的加減法並加強應用練習,但在段考時,由於考題與資源班平時的學習相關性不高,學生無法建立成就感,遭遇嚴重的打擊;在「幾何圖形的變換」主題中,透過GSP觀察探討幾何圖形的特性,個案的學習仍是持續地累積成就,但在學習「角平分線的特性與應用」時遭遇學習上的困難,即使研究者修正教學模式,實施第二次的教學後,個案認為稍能理解其意義,但應用於習題時仍感覺有困難。個案在所有的資訊融入教學歷程中,對於學習單的使用給予相當的肯定,並期待未來能繼續使用資訊融入教學的模式。
The purpose of this study was to design technology integrated activities for resource room students at the junior high school level and to explore its effect on students’ mathematics attitude and achievement. Three seven-graders who were identified as lower achievers in mathematics included in this study. To develop the technology integrated activities, the researcher analyzed background and learning characteristics of the three cases. Two learning topics, integer addition and subtraction and the transformation of geometry figures, were chosen to be studied. Three kinds of software, PowerPoint, Flash, and GSP, were used to design learning materials. Besides using these learning materials in the classroom, corresponding writing assignments were also designed to enhance student learning. Research data included classroom observations from the video recordings, teaching journals of the teacher, students’ performance on writing assignments, students’ responds to questionnaires, and student interviews. The results showed that these technology integrated activities can effectively improve the mathematics attitude of these three mathematics lower achievers in the resource room. Although students still encountered difficulties in learning some of the content, most of the time they did show complements of teacher requests and learning objects. In the topic of integer addition and subtraction, students thought that using PowerPoint to show the outlines helped them understand the big ideas. Using red and blue tai chi to represent positive ones and negative ones, students seemed to get the idea of integer addition and subtraction. This Flash learning material also helped students to practice effectively. However, the students did not perform well on the midterm and were stricken by this result. This may be due to a big difference between the midterm and the ordinary practices in the resource classroom. In the topic of the transformation of geometry figures, the students were observed positive participation and discussions during class time. They experienced difficulties when studying the characteristics and applications of the concept about bisector angles. Even though the researcher revised the teaching activities and explained this concept again, the students still did not get the concept and had lots of difficulties to solve problems which include an application of this concept. The three students indicated that the writing assignments helped them a lot. It was also found that the three students liked these technology integrated activities, and that they expected the teacher to use technology to teach mathematics in the future.


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