標題: 利用自組裝單層膜技術製造奈米鑽石陣列晶片與其應用:奈米金粒子耦合於陣列晶片的光學量測
The fabrication of nanodiamond microarray chip by self-assembled monolayer technology:The optical measurement of coupled gold nanoparticles on microarray chip
作者: 林柏帆
Lin, Po-Fan
Sun, Kien-wen
關鍵字: 陣列晶片;奈米鑽石;奈米金粒子;Microarray chip;Nanodiamond;Gold nanoparticles
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 由於奈米鑽石的特性:化學穩定度高、光學穩定度佳、表面容易改質 修飾以及對生物分子有很好的吸附力,可以當成生物連結基材。在第一部 分我先使用電子束微影系統(Electron Beam Lithography System),定義出陣 列圖形,再配合上自組裝單層膜的技術,將奈米鑽石整齊的排列在二氧化 矽基板上,製作成奈米鑽石的陣列晶片。 在第二部分我利用兩股互補的DNA,分別接在奈米鑽石基板以及奈米 金粒子上,經由雜合反應將奈米金粒子修飾在奈米鑽石陣列上,再使用共 軛焦顯微鏡量測,觀察到在反應之後奈米鑽石光致發光光譜的強度增強, 證明金粒子會讓奈米鑽石陣列的光學訊號改變,未來可以用來當作發展成 生物偵測器後光學量測的指標。
Recently, nanodiamond has become one of the best candidates to serve as a biobinding platform due to its special properties such as, high chemical stability, good photo-stability, easily surface modification, and binding affinity with biomolecules. In the first part of this thesis, we used E-Beam lithography system to design patterned nanostructure arrays. By using self-assembled monolayer (SAM) technology, we were able to position nanodiamonds into regular arrays on the silicon substrate and to fabricate a nanodiamond microarray chip. In the second part of this work, we bound the nanodiamond surface with two complementary DNA sequences and gold nanoparticles. After the gold nanoperticle hybridize on the nanodiamond microarrays, we measured the micro-PL spectrum of nanodiamonds through a confocal microscope. In the spectrum, we observed enhancement of the PL signal of the nanodiamonds after hybridization, which demonstrated that the gold nanoparticles have modfied the optical signal from the nanodiamonds. In the future, the signal will be used as an index for biosensing purposes.
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