標題: 虛擬社群會員對站上廣告之態度
A Study on Members’ Attitude in Virtual Communities toward Advertising on Virtual Community Websites
作者: 吳敏菲
Wu, Min-Fei
Huang, Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 虛擬社群;廣告價值;廣告態度;virtual community;advertising value;advertising attitude
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 從網路發展以來,資訊科技不再是遙不可及的事。亦隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,網路應用的普及改變了現代人生活,同時帶來新的溝通方式。也因此現代人的生活當中缺少不了網路。虛擬社群網站為內容與通訊整合的平台,網站的使用者不再只是內容的接受者,同時也可以主動在虛擬社群內傳遞訊息。具有超高人氣的虛擬社群網站近來成為網路行銷的新目標。而網路廣告和虛擬社群網站的相互搭配效果,更是急需探究的重要課題。是故本研究透過Brackett & Carr(2001)廣告模型為理論基礎,來探討虛擬社群會員對其社群網站上廣告態度之影響。 本研究以虛擬社群網站為研究標的,針對有使用虛擬社群網站的會員進行娛樂性、資訊性、干擾性、可信性、廣告價值、廣告態度等之問卷調查,共39個題項,在各大虛擬社群網站中尋求志願參與者,最後總共回收了481份有效問卷。本研究所使用之分析方法為敘述性分析、變異數分析、迴歸分析等,以驗證本研究之假設。 本研究主要結果發現:(1)人口統計變數在廣告態度沒有顯著的差異,而性別在廣告價值構面上有顯著差異,其中以男性對於廣告價值的認知明顯高於女性。(2)四項認知前因與廣告價值關係中,除娛樂性和干擾性無顯著影響外,其資訊性、可信性對廣告價值有顯著的關係。(3)娛樂性、可信性兩項認知前因與廣告態度有顯著的關係。(4)廣告價值變數加入後,明顯提高了資訊性和可信性對於廣告態度的解釋能力;也就是說,廣告價值在兩者間扮演了關鍵驅動角色。
With the development of the Internet, the information technology is not a concept which lies in our imagination. Also, the Internet both has changed human’s lifestyle and has brought innovatory communication ways with the development of the Internet Technology. Therefore, people in the modern time cannot live without using the Internet. Virtual community website is a kind of platform which combines website’s content and community. A user in such a platform not only plays the role as a message receiver, but also is an active message giver. Recently, virtual community websites have become one of the new targets in web marketing, because they have many browsers and members. The integration between web advertisement and virtual community website is the vital issue for us to study. Thus, this research adopts the advertisement model, which was constructed by Brackett & Carr in 2001, to discuss the membership of virtual community websites when members receive advertisements in the virtual community websites. By this model, we can find out the relationship between advertising attitude and effect. This research takes virtual community as the research target, and uses a list of questionnaire survey, which conducts 39 questions to evaluate entertainment、informativeness、irritation、credibility、relevant demographic variables、advertising value and advertising attitude. As the result, there are 481 valid samples in this study. Hypotheses are analyzed via statistical techniques including: descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s α, ANOVA, factor analysis, Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis. The major results of this study reveal: (1) Relevant demographic variables with the advertising attitude. But gender is not significant with the advertising value. Male is more significant than female in the advertising value.(2)Besides the entertainment and the irritation, the informativeness and the credibility are significantly related to the advertising value .(3)The entertainment and credibility are significantly related to the advertising attitude. (4)Put the advertisement value in the model that increases the explanatory ability of the informativeness and the credibility. In another word, the advertisement value plays an important role among them.


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