標題: 影響小汽車共乘行為因子之研究—以新竹市地區為例
The Study on the Influence Factors of Carpool Behavior—A Case for Hsinchu City
作者: 顏鴻祥
Yan, Hong-Xiang
Han, Fu-Wha
關鍵字: 小汽車共乘;試題反應理論;Rasch Model;計劃行為理論;Carpool;Item Response Theory;Rasch Model;Theory of Planning Behavior
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著油價波動、環保意識抬頭以及車輛快速成長,小汽車共乘的議題近年來日益受到重視。且由國外經驗可知心理因素影響共乘甚鉅,而國內較新之共乘有關研究大多以計程車共乘為主,針對一般大眾自行配對的共乘研究則較少,然過往之研究較偏重於制度面的可行性探討,較少針對國人之心理層面進行研究,有鑒於此,本研究擬針對民眾共乘行為意向的影響因子進行分析。 由於傳統分析方法將李克特順序尺度視為等距尺度應用,此舉在統計推論上仍有疑義,為克服相關問題,本研究嘗試以試題反應理論(Item Response Theory, IRT)中之Rasch Model更精確的分析民眾小汽車共乘行為意向。先以計劃行為理論(Theory of Planning Behavior, TPB)(Ajzen, 1985)為基礎,分七大構面設計問卷,再藉由Rasch Model深入探討民眾對各構面內問項之感受程度,了解各構面對於民眾共乘行為意向的影響程度,及比較不同社經變數的受訪者於各構面感認之差異,試提出有效刺激與因應民眾共乘需求之策略與建議。 本研究以新竹市地區民眾做為實證研究對象,進行問卷調查,共回收396份有效問卷。結果發現最能影響民眾共乘的因素為油價與停車問題,顯現當前正為施行共乘的良機,次要因素則為政府實際地設置共乘專用車道及提供補助,此二項目為政府能大幅發揮影響力之重點,故可嘗試先由此著手規劃合宜之措施。此外亦發現女性共乘安全仍然是眾人憂心的重點,需要特別關切。透過這些結果可使政府單位在制定推廣共乘之相關策略與方針上有所憑藉,經由辨別各策略受民眾重視的優先程度,可更有效率的分配資源,並可針對抗阻程度較高的群體加強宣導或鼓勵,達到更好的政策效果,以利改善現有的交通與環境問題。
The deteriorating traffic congestion as well as the rise of environmental awareness brings more and more attentions to carpool related studies in the recent years. However, most previous literature emphasized on discussions of the feasibility of systems, and less at the psychological level on the factors which affect people’s carpool behavior. This paper thus attempts to study the influence factors of carpool behavior. For a more accurate evaluation of the public’s behavioral intention than traditional Likert-scale-based methods, our study employed Rasch Model from the Item Response Theory (IRT). We designed the questionnaire with seven constructs based on the Theory of Planning Behavior (TPB )(Ajzen, 1985) and analyzed the extent of public feelings on each item in every construct via Rasch Model, explored the various constructs’ influence upon the public behavioral intention to carpool, then compared the diversity of the respondents with different socio-economic variables in very construct. Eventually, try to propose recommendations to stimulate the needs of public to carpool precisely. Our study survey was conducted in the Hsinchu City, and the effective sample size is 396. Based on our samples, the results showed that the most essential factors which affect the public to carpool are the oil prices and parking problems. It implies that it is good timing to promote carpool. Exclusive carpool lanes and carpool subsides are also found to provide influence factors. So the authorities may promote public carpool in the light of these aspects. In addition, our study also revealed that female safety is a major public concern in today’s carpool.


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