Title: 正版,仿冒與二手奢侈品之情境效應對消費者選擇之影響
Using Context Effect to Derive Consumers’ Choice among Origin, Counterfeit, and Second-Hand Luxury Products
Authors: 熊薈明
Hsiung, Hui-Ming
Jen, William
Keywords: 奢侈品;情境效應;折衷效應;區間效應;分類效應;luxury products;context effect;compromise effect;range effect;category effect
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究主要目的為探討消費者在購買奢侈品時,在取捨正版、仿冒與二手這三種類別的奢侈品,是否會受到情境效應的影響,而有選擇上的偏好,特別是剛接觸奢侈品的消費者。對奢侈品市場來說,消費者普遍重視的品質與價格屬性,在類別上已形成一種屬性上的相對分佈,即一種選擇的情境, 若消費者沒有特定的屬性偏好,相對較容易受到選擇情境產生的情境效應所影響。依據上述的論點,本研究首先探討,當消費者選擇正版、仿冒與二手奢侈品時,在取捨這三類商品的當下,是否會受到其中一種情境效應-折衷效應所影響,而對二手奢侈品有選擇上的偏好。從母體百分比差異性檢定的結果顯示,消費者選擇確實會受到折衷效應的影響,而偏好二手奢侈品。接著探討在奢侈品不同的行銷策略下,是否改變了消費者的知覺品質與知覺價格,而形成的不同選擇情境,調節折衷效應,並因知覺的改變,產生區間與分類效應,影響消費者的選擇。從百分比同質性檢定結果顯示,雖然調節折衷效應未顯著,但區間與分類效應顯著影響選擇。最後挑出限量的情況做進一步分析,探討是否因為消費者願意支付價格的提升,稀釋知覺價格改變,導致屬性分佈較不極端,而使折衷效應強化與減弱未如預期般顯著。從變異數分析結果顯示,限量的策略會顯著提升消費者願意支付價格。
The main purpose of this research is to study whether context effect influences the choice of consumers when they purchase luxury goods and choose among the three categories- original, counterfeit, and second-hand ones, especially for those consumers who just learn to know about luxury goods. In luxury market, product quality and price, the two attributes that are commonly deemed as important by the consumers, has formed the three categories mentioned above to a context distribution for choice. If the consumer does not hold a specific attribute preference, they are relatively easier to be influenced by the context effect caused by the choice context. According to the above reasoning, this study first discusses whether consumers are influenced by compromise effect - one of the context effect, when they are choosing among original, counterfeit, and second-hand luxury goods, and thus prefer second-hand ones. The result of population percentage difference test indicates that the consumers are influenced by compromise effect and prefer second-hand luxury. Then, the study discuss whether consumers' perceived quality and price are altered under different marketing strategies; whether the different choice context formed mediates compromise effect, and whether the altered perception induce range and category effect that influence the choice of the consumers. The result of percentage homogeneity test shows, although the mediation of compromise effect is not significant, the range and category effect do influence the choice significantly.
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