標題: 以微處理機系統決定交通指派問題之使用者均衡流量
Determining the User Equilibrium Flow of the Traffic Assignment Problem by a Microprocessor System
作者: 謝智翔
Hsieh, Chih-Hsiang
Huang, Kuan-Cheng
關鍵字: 微處理器;電路實作;實作誤差;microprocessor;physical circuit;physical circuit error
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 交通指派問題發展已久,相關研究也相當多,而「使用者均衡」是交通指派問題中一個基本的模式。先前有研究以電子電路的概念,利用「電流」來比擬「車流」,求解使用者均衡問題。理論上,以量測電流代替運算車流的方式來得到車流量的資料,速度上應該較快,但是,這僅僅是軟體上的模擬運算,實際硬體電路是否可行卻是未知,因實作時需要考量的因子更為繁雜。本研究透過小型微處理器控制整個電路的運作,並發展出一套適合實作使用的電路演算法,以實現微處理機系統之實際硬體製作。初步的實驗顯示,實作流量值與理論流量值之間差距不大,說明實作電路的可行。
The traffic assignment problem (TAP) has been studied for a long time, and the user equilibrium is one of its basic models. Some researchers use electrical current to simulate traffic flow to solve the user equilibrium problem, as measuring electrical current flow is faster than computing traffic flow. However, in past researches, the associated circuit problem is solved by software simulation, and the physical hardware systems have not been implemented. We designed the algorithm for physical circuit and implemented a microprocessor system to control the whole circuit and execute the computation. The results show that the difference between physical flow and theoretical flow is small, and the feasibility of a hardware system for large circuits is thus verified.


  1. 252101.pdf

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