Title: 全球WiMAX競合趨勢
The Co-opetition of Global WiMAX.
Authors: 楊鉦偉
Yang, Cheng-Wei
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
Keywords: IEEE 802.16;WiMAX;紮根理論;情境分析;策略;IEEE 802.16;WiMAX;Grounded theory;Scenario Analysis;strategy
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: WiMAX的全名是微波存取全球互通(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access),該技術以IEEE802.16系列的寬頻無線技術為基礎,提供行動高速寬頻存取功能,是近年來快速興起的高速無線寬頻新技術。許多支持者對WiMAX寄予厚望,並認為WiMAX是電信產業的明日之星,將能夠把產業推到新的高峰。然而,目前市場正值 3G/3.5G 通信與 4G 通信技術的交替期,面對既有的3G/3.5G技術及長期演進技術(Long Term Evolution, LTE),WiMAX技術在這之間的兢合備受矚目。 本研究嘗試應用「紮根理論」與「情境分析法」,針對標準面、市場面、產業面、政策面的觀點,從2015年不同的情境分析檢驗WiMAX服務的可行性。並從產業與政府的觀點,提出攻佔市場的可行策略。
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a IEEE802.16-based broadband wireless technology that provides high-speed broadband access operations. It’s risen rapidly in recent years. Many supporters have great expectations for WiMAX and think it will be a rising star of the telecommunications industry. 3G/3.5G technology is adopted into the current market and 4G is adopted into the future market. Generally, LTE is likely to become the 4G technology. Since WiMAX is not part of the 4G technology, WiMAX has to compete and cooperate with the 3G/3.5G/4G technologies. The competition of these technologies attracts a great deal of attention. This research utilizes the “Grounded Theory” and the “Scenario Analysis,” in view of standard side, market side, industrial side, and policy side economics, to forecast the feasibility of WiMAX service. In addition, from the industry and the government's point of view, to capture a possible market strategy.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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