標題: 敏捷供應鏈之適應性配送
An Adaptable Distribution Model for Agile Supply Chains
作者: 陳妍方
Chen, Yan-Fang
Feng, Cheng-Min
關鍵字: 敏捷供應鏈;適應性配送;反應能力;Agile supply chain;Adaptable distribution;responsiveness
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在全球化之際,具備敏捷能力來彈性反應目前變遷快速的環 境,為企業維持競爭優勢的關鍵。然而,鮮少研究以數量方式探究敏 捷性。因此,本研究針對運輸環境不確定性,且依據四大適應性配送 原則(低成本配送、快速反應配送、擁擠配送以及第三地配送)建構出 敏捷供應鏈之適應性配送模式。 敏捷能力最主要的特性為在不同情境下的反應能力,本研究透 過不同情境分析來評估模式的適應性配送,進而觀察運輸系統的反應 方式。研究結果顯示在敏捷供應鏈之下,透過該適應性配送模式可彈 性地反應出各種情境之應對方式。
Being able to respond flexibly to volatile and turbulence environment, agile is crucial for enterprises in gaining a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. However, research about modeling agile supply chains is scanty. This research is devoted to developing an adaptable distribution model for agile supply chain with emphasis on transportation uncertainties, which is based on the principles of adaptable distribution: low cost, time, congestion, and third place distribution. The main characteristic of agility is the ability of responsiveness under different changing conditions. Hence, scenario analyses are conducted to evaluate the impact and the way to reflect through the proposed model and observe how the transportation behaves and responds under different conditions. The results demonstrate the proposed model is suitable and responds appropriately within agile supply chain based on adaptable distribution.


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