Title: 低溫食品安全之消費者認知與行為研究
The study of consumer awareness and behaviors for low-temperature food safety
Authors: 吳俊儀
Wu, Juin-Yi
Chen, Mu-Chen
Keywords: 低溫物流;食品供應鏈;食品安全;冷鏈認知;食品安全行為;行為意向;結構方程模式;low-temperature logistics;food supply chain;food safety;Cold Chain awareness;behavior intention;structural equation model
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 由於現代人生活忙碌,工作壓力大且婦女就業比例高,外食或是食用微波食品、低溫食品的需求量大為增加。而低溫食品的儲藏溫度是降低風險的關鍵要素,將會影響食品的安全和品質。而一項產品品質的好壞,不僅與其製造過程有關,更與其批發商、零售商、運輸倉儲業者之儲藏溫控設備是否健全及消費者在處理時的態度有關。 顧客的行為通常與他們對這項服務的「認知(awareness)」程度有關,必須讓顧客認為食品安全是重要的,他們才會開始注重這個問題。故如何讓顧客認為,「冷鏈」及「食品安全」對他們而言是絕對重要的,也是這篇論文所要研究的課題。 研究中將對有使用過低溫產品及服務的顧客進行問卷分析,並以結構方程模式(SEM)建構消費者認知與行為模式以了解目前顧客對於食品安全以及冷鏈的認知,以及「冷鏈」與「食品安全」對他們而言是否重要。彙整回收問卷後,則使用結構方程模式(SEM)之分析方法實際驗證本研究所設計的低溫食品安全之消費者認知與行為模式,以做為各界評估時之參考。 本研究結論所驗證之消費者行為意向模式的因果關係為:消費者對於其食品安全認知對消費者冷鏈認知與行為意向具有正向之影響關係;而食品安全行為對消費者冷鏈認知與行為意向也具有正向之影響關係。從本研究實證結果中可看出,若能同時增進消費者之食品安全認知與食品安全行為,即可增進其冷鏈認知與行為意向,此具有顯著之影響關係。
Because the modern people live busily, the work pressure high and the woman gets employed, eat outside or use microwave food, the low temperature food's demand to increase greatly. But the low temperature food's preserve temperature is the essential factor for reducing the risks, will affect food’s security and quality. A product’s quality, not only with its process of manufacture, but with its wholesaler, the retail, the transportation and the warehousing entrepreneur preserves controls the equipment to be whether perfect and consumer's concerns in processing manner. Customer's behavior usually relates with their “awareness”, we must let the customer think that food safety is important, they will start to pay attention to this question. How to let the customer believe that “Cold Chain” and “food safety” concerning them is important, is also the topic which this paper will study. In the research, will carry on the questionnaire analysis to who have used the low temperature product and service, and constructs the consumer awareness and behaviors model by structural equation model (SEM) to understand the present customer regarding food safety as well as Cold Chain, and as well as “cold chain” and “food security” concerning them whether important. After collecting entire questionnaire, then use the structural equation model (SEM) confirms the model of consumer awareness and behaviors for low temperature food safety which this research designs, and to take as the reference to all. This research confirms consumer of behavior intention model's causal relation is: The consumer has the forward influence relations regarding its food safety awareness to the consumer Cold Chain awareness and the behavior intention; And food safety behavior also has the forward influence relations to the consumer Cold Chain awareness and the behavior intention. May see from this research result, if we can simultaneously promote consumer’s food of security awareness and food safety behavior, then we can promote its Cold Chain awareness and the behavior intention, this has the remarkable influence relations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis