標題: 影響懷舊情懷的因素探討
The research of what factors will influence nostalgia
作者: 許怡娟
Shiu, Yi-Jiuan
Tang, Edwin
關鍵字: 懷舊;國籍;Nostalgia;nationality
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 二十世紀末全球興起了一股懷舊風潮,成為當代流行文化的其中一股別具特色的潮流,大量的廣告、文宣偏好將已故的巨星和商品作連結,試圖燃起消費者心中回返並再次體驗記憶中的某段快樂時光的渴望。去年爆紅的國片海角七號也成功地利用懷舊情懷作為電影主軸,吸引觀眾的目光,截至去年下檔為止,締造2.32.億的票房佳績,創下台灣影史嶄新的紀錄。 本研究參考Holbrook等學者所提出的年齡、性別等對懷舊情懷有所影響,再更進一步探究國籍文化背景的差異是否和懷舊情懷有關連,除了消費者內在的背景因素外,同時欲探就參觀民眾在故宮的參觀氛圍下所產生的美學體驗和懷情情懷是否有關連。 透過中、日、美三種語言的問卷設計後,於97年10月在故宮正館選取三國民眾作為訪談對象,共回收384份樣本,其中有效樣本為360份。根據Holbrook在2003年提出的二十題懷舊問項來萃取因素,分別為憧憬未來、懷念往昔時光、崇尚復古、不滿現狀、排斥現代工藝,再利用集群分析分為安逸生活族、逃避幻想族、經典重現族三群,以此來做卡方檢定。 結果顯示,國籍和懷舊情懷之間有密切的關係。美日兩國以安逸生活族居多、台灣則以經典重現族占多數。另一方面,美學體驗和懷舊情懷有具有關連性。
There was in the fashion of nostalgia from the end of 20 century. Nostalgia has become one of the most unique trends in contemporary culture. Plenty of advertisements and propaganda connect deceased famous persons with products in order to awaken consumers’ nostalgia such as Audrey Hepburn and LONGINES. The most success case lately must be Cable No.7 in Taiwan in 2008. It created 2320 million business and broke the record in Taiwan movie history. Holbrook said age, sex result to different nostalgia. Refer to the opinion, this thesis want to know whether nationality and aesthetic experience are related to nostalgia. This thesis recycles 384 questionnaires and retrieves total 360 valid questionnaires and then adopts factor analysis, cluster analysis, and chi-Square test. The results showed that nationality has related to nostalgia and aesthetic experience also has related to nostalgia.