Title: 品牌形象對台北市國立大學學生運動鞋購買行為之研究
A Study of the Impact of Brand Images on the Students of Taipei City's National Universities on Athletic shoes’ Purchasing Behaviors
Authors: 張惟智
Chang, Wei-Chi
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 運動鞋;品牌形象;消費者行為;產品屬性;athletic shoes;brand image;consumer behavior;product attribute
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 運動鞋產業發展悠久,是穩定成長的產業。但隨著新技術、新材質的運用。使得運動鞋的種類範疇越來越廣。此外,各大知名運動品牌與各大職業運動合作,設計推出了許多限量、酷炫的新潮商品,也替運動鞋產業帶來了許多新生命。因此,給予各種類的運動鞋新的定義與分類是研究所必要的。而本研究除了給予運動鞋範疇的新定義之外,主要是希望透過運動鞋的消費行為,以瞭解運動鞋的哪些產品屬性是消費者所重視,及消費者對於不同品牌形象認知程度,又會如何影響其購買行為。 本研究採Howard-Sheth模式為研究架構,以運動鞋之產品屬性,消費者基本特徵、資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性,及品牌形象等作為投入變數,透過消費實態變數為消費行為之描述,探討其是否有顯著差異。結果顯示,運動鞋消費者在基本特徵、資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性,以及品牌形象認知程度,在消費實態上皆有顯著差異。
Athletic shoes industry is a developed and steady-growth industry. As new techniques and materials are adopted, there are much more kinds of athletic shoes out on the market. In addition, many famous sports brands cooperate with professional sports industries to design and launch new product out on the market. In order to complete my thesis, it is necessary to give athletic shoes a new definition. And then, the purpose of this study is to understand what product attributes athletic shoes consumers pay much attention on when making their purchasing decisions and if brand image influences their purchasing decisions. The Howard-Sheth model is adopted as a conceptual framework in this study. The product attributes of athletic shoes, demographic factors, information sources, purchasing motives and brand image are added in this framework as independent variables. Consumption variables describe the behavior of consumers. The results show that the difference in athletic shoes consumers between consumption variables and the product attributes evaluation criteria, demographic factors, information sources, purchasing motives, and brand image are significant.
Appears in Collections:Thesis