標題: 從文化接近性的觀點檢視台灣偶像劇
Cultural Values and the Popularity of Taiwan’s Idol Dramas: A Cultural Proximity Perspective.
作者: 李育倩
Li Yu-Chien
Li, Shu-Chu
關鍵字: 文化接近性;台灣偶像劇;在地化;去地化;cultural proximity;Taiwan’s Idol Drama;localization;de-localization
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 以文化接近性的觀點,本研究針對台灣偶像劇在銷售至亞洲各國的收視表現,探究受到歡迎的偶像劇其價值觀的內涵是否有差異。依照其於台灣與國外收視表現將17部偶像劇分組,並透過內容分析其內容價值觀以進行比較。另針對「痞子英雄」與「波麗士大人」兩部偶像劇作質化內容分析,以了解偶像劇的在地化與去地化策略,最後輔以次級資料分析台灣偶像劇相關報導。研究發現,國內外收視表現皆佳的偶像劇有較顯著的「夫妻相敬」與「積極直接表達愛意」價值觀。此外,「愛在心底口難開」與「有仇必報」價值觀可以預測偶像劇國外收視表現,「獨立自顧」與「公事公辦」價值觀可以預測偶像劇版權賣埠的文化距離遠近。結果顯示,文化價值觀確實會影響偶像劇的收視表現,特別是儒家文化價值觀較受到亞洲觀眾的喜愛,呼應了文化接近性理論。而在策略部分,研究發現台灣偶像劇會在內容中去除在地方言與在地背景,並且用亞洲觀眾皆能接受的美學標準製作,以拉近與國外觀眾的距離。
This study adopted the cultural proximity perspective to examine the relationship between the cultural values presented in Taiwan’s idol dramas and their popularity among Taiwan’s and Asian audiences. This study purposely selected 17 Taiwan’s idol dramas and classified them into four types: (1)The dramas that were popular both in Taiwan and in Asian countries. (2)The dramas that were not popular either in Taiwan or in Asian countries. (3)The dramas that were popular in Taiwan, but were not popular in Asian countries. (4)The dramas that were not popular in Taiwan, but were popular in Asian countries. This study employed the method of content analysis to understand how cultural values presented in the idol dramas were related to their ratings in Taiwan and in Asian countries. The data analysis shows that the four types of idol dramas did differ significantly from one another in terms of certain cultural values. More findings were discussed in the thesis.


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