Title: | 媒體組織成員禮貌策略運用與上行影響之關聯性研究 An Examination on the Relationships between Politeness Strategies and Upward Influence in Taiwan’s Media Organizations |
Authors: | 簡郁凌 Jian, Yu-Ling 李秀珠 Li, Shu-Chu 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 禮貌理論;禮貌策略;上行影響;上下司關係品質;權力距離;politeness theory;politeness strategies;upward influence;superior-subordinate relationship quality;power distance |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 本研究以Brown與Levinson(1987)的「禮貌理論」為主要理論架構,探討部屬在對上司進行上行影響時如何運用禮貌策略。透過深度訪談與問卷調查質量並行之方法,本研究共訪談30位媒體組織成員。研究結果發現,正面禮貌策略與負面禮貌策略被部屬頻繁使用,而且部屬會將直接策略搭配其他禮貌策略使用,以降低面子威脅風險。部屬運用禮貌策略上行影響,並非單一使用某種策略,而是多元搭配使用,藉以達到上行影響的目的。 上下司關係品質與權力距離高低與禮貌策略的使用息息相關,除了這兩個社會變項之外,本研究發現個人變項如上司與部屬的個性,以及情境脈絡如上司當下的心情、溝通時機、溝通氣氛、溝通管道、正式╱非正式情境、溝通目標等,都會影響部屬禮貌策略的使用與選擇,而且影響力不容小覷。另外,完善的事前準備可提升上行影響的成功率,包括實質準備、心理準備及平時累積的表現籌碼等。整體而言,由於禮貌策略運用及選擇的複雜度,禮貌策略與上行影響之間的關聯性尚未有一清楚的定論。 This study adopted Brown & Levinson’s politeness theory, to examine the relationships between politeness strategies and upward influence in Taiwan’s media organizations. Thirty intensive interviews were conducted to collect data for this study. The data analysis shows that as expected by the politeness theory, subordinates tended to employ positive and negative politeness strategies to influence their superiors rather than other types of strategies. Furthermore, this study found that superior-subordinate relationship quality and power distance exerted a significant effect on the use of upward influence strategies. More findings were discussed in the thesis. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/43132 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |