Title: 組織中上行印象整飾策略初探研究
Exploring Upward Impression Management Strategies in Organizations
Authors: 陳德玲
Te-Lin Chen
Shu-Chu Sarrina Li
Keywords: 印象整飾;上行印象整飾策略;相似性;員工績效評估;獲得型印象整飾策略;防禦型印象整飾策略;Upward Impression Management;Impression Management Strategies;Protective IM;Acquisitive IM;Nonverbal IM
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 印象整飾相關研究從1959年Goffman揭開序幕後,至今已有四十餘年的研究歷程。其研究方式也從早期侷限於實驗室,發展至今已呈現多元研究風貌。隨著整體環境改變,組織中的印象整飾研究更成為近年來組織傳播研究中重要的一環。本研究將焦點置於組織中之上行印象整飾策略之運用,分別就上司導向印象整飾、自我導向印象整飾與人口統計學之相似性進行探討,並透過深度訪談方式進行組織成員訪問,以瞭解組織成員平日如何運用上行印象整飾策略影響主管對其印象之形成,進一步探討是否可藉此增進上下司間關係,進而影響工作績效評估。

Getting along with other people at work, school, or home is often a daily struggle. In many parts of our lives, there are no longer clear guidelines for how we “should” behave. So it’s even more important to understand who is playing which role, how we should act, and why other people are doing what they are doing. We manage our impressions in many different ways and places.

This study examines how upward impression management strategies influenced the relationship between superiors and subordinates in organizations. Fifteen interviewees were intensively interviewed. Through the study, the researcher attempt to understand out what the Upward IM strategies were adopted and how the strategies worked.
Appears in Collections:Thesis