標題: Facebook社交網站的個人展演行為與印象管理之研究
The Study of Self-presentation and Impression Management of Facebook
作者: 陳韋廷
Chen, Wei-Ting
Kuo, Liang-Wen
關鍵字: Facebook;印象管理;社交網站;劇場理論;Facebook;Impression Management;Social Network Site;Theory of Dramaturgy
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著資訊傳播與網路科技的推陳出新,社交網站(Social Network Site, SNS)成為了現代人日常生活中重要的社交平台,其中Facebook(臉書)整合微網誌、即時動態、相簿影音及轉貼連結等功能,受到使用者喜愛並且快速發展。社會學家Goffman 運用劇場理論的概念分析個人日常生活的互動方式,他認為每個人都是舞台上的演員,在各種觀眾面前竭盡所能地演出並力求完美,人們所扮演的各種不同角色,其行為舉止都是為了符合他人期待,因此人們會隨著不同的情境或觀眾的要求,自我改變而呈現多種面貌,並調整形象來強化演出。 Facebook讓個人在網際網路上呈現基本資料與狀態,就如同個人形象的延 伸,在網際空間中形塑個人樣貌、呈現方式,豐富了互動的可能性,如此大量且頻繁的線上互動也讓人與人之間的社交網絡產生改變。人們在Facebook上的各種行為與互動也可視為自我形象展演的另一種模式,主要舞台從真實世界的日常生活轉移到線上的虛擬空間。 使用者透過Facebook來篩選表演內容與觀眾組成,利用各種功能來調整線上展演的形象,藉此滿足觀眾的期待並發展出不同於現實世界的個人門面。在Facebook媒介性質的中介下,人與人之間的互動與關係已然不同以往,自我展演並非只存在於現實社會中,網路中無形的展演也能塑造個人形象。
With the innovation of communication and information technology, social networking sites such as Facebook have become an important social platform in modern daily life. Facebook has become a favorite site for many users who can send instant photos, video clips and can also perform other functions. Sociologist Erving Goffman employed the concept of theory of dramaturgy in explaining the interaction of personal life. He pointed out that everyone acts like an actor on stage, plays different roles and performances, and adjusts selves/images in order to impress others. In this research, the findings suggest that Facebook provides people the opportunities to do on-line presentation of personal profile for shaping individual appearance and presentation, and therefore enhancing interactive possibilities. As an extension of personal image and impression management, people on Facebook have shown a variety of behavior and self-image management strategies. This can also be considered as an alternative mode of performance that main stage from the real world of everyday life shifts to online virtual space. Facebook users filter content and audience composition, using a variety of features to adjust online performances, to satisfy the audiences’ expectations and to develop personal images to make a difference from the real world. The relationships and interactions among people have already been different due to the past experiences. Not only does it exist in real world for performing oneself, personal images can also be created in network performances.