標題: 與遊民對話 ─ 我為遊民作設計與遊民教我做設計
Exchanging Design Idea with Homeless
作者: 陳炫劭
Chen, Hsuan-Shao
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 遊民;街友;參與式觀察;方法目的鏈;社會底層;homeless;vagrant;underprivileged;Participatory Observation;Means-end Chain;economic depression
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 常常看見一些衣衫襤褸的人坐在地下道或是公園裡遊蕩,他們不修邊幅、不事生產,看在我們這些兢兢業業為了理想目標去奮鬥的人眼中是多麼無可救藥,我以前一直是這樣想著。然而,我們知道,無論在國民生產毛額多高、科技多發達、文明多進步的地方,都會有遊民的出現,很多研究文獻探討遊民的成因與社會觀點:在經濟與商業活動強勢領導、架構出的這個社會之下,遊民在其中無能為力,對於沒有經濟能力的他們被排在社會最底層,而這些無法列管、無法控制、與社會格格不入的人就成了政府眼中的社會問題,「君子惡居下流,天下之惡皆歸焉」,於是,治安問題、環境衛生、公共整潔、病毒傳染都成了他們的標籤,然而,真的是這樣嗎?在經濟體制不甚穩定的年代,任何人都有可能失去資產,與他們一樣流落街頭,這些人都將成為社會的亂源嗎?既然所有的都市都會存在這麼一群人,那麼,他們有沒有可能被當作另一種社會文化,而不是一種社會問題呢?遊民的概念有沒有可能只是像是嬉皮、龐克一樣被當作另一種生活方式與精神的體現? 本研究以參與式觀察(Participant Observation)的方式與遊民共同生活,進行深入訪談與體驗,了解他們背後的故事、內心想法以及生活模式;再以方法─目的鏈(Means-end Chain)將蒐集到的需求與感情語句做統整分類,找出遊民的深層需求:1.生活上的需求、2.與主流社會良性互動、3建立生活重心 。而從這些大方向中發展設計:1. 解決生活上所遭遇的困難,又能使慈善團體或政府的善意能廣為傳達的關懷設計,並且要有效運用資金達到滿足需求的最大效益,讓民眾的善意能多方傳達;2.讓遊民與住民透過產品彼此溝通了解各自的長處;3.以友善的都市空間宣傳“彼此平等”、“互相尊重”的概念;4.運用產品讓遊民與住民達成默契,互利共生;5.以可互相交流的平台讓彼此能更加熟悉;6.便於使用與發展性高的產品,建立遊民使用物品的信心及開發遊民新創意。 最後實驗性設計以三個面向呈現:為遊民而“作”的關懷設計、由遊民生活智慧萃取“做”的綠色設計以及做為兩方交流媒介的反思設計;其中標題中的作與做代表了加入人文關懷與本能中直接使用的差異;研究結果除了在展覽中讓一般民眾體會遊民觀點,引發議題的關切外,亦將成品實際發送給遊民使用;也讓社福團體以及政府單位在推廣輔導、幫助遊民時做為參考資料。
Homeless people are considered underprivileged and non-productive because of their lack of money and the basic social advantages that normal people have. However, everyone could be homeless in a time of economic depression. And because of unemployment, more and more people lose their house and become vagrants. Vagrants drift in parks, stations and underground passages. They look dirty and idle; therefore, people always treat them as burdens and dangers to our society. Are they really dangerous or encumbered to us? How do we get along with homeless people properly? How can we help them and what do they exactly need? In this study, we observe the context with “Participatory Observation” method, fit it in homeless people and interact with them; we analyze the needs and deep emotions in their daily life by “Evaluation Grid Method”. After analyzing, we summed up and developed the following design principles, which are: 1. Products designed to satisfy their needs and improve their lifestyle, also to control the budget for mass production. 2. Increasing interaction between local residents and homeless people is our expectation. 3. Building a friendly public environment to propose the idea of mutual respect and relations on an equal basis. 4. Generating tacit understanding mutually for local residents and homeless people by the products. 5. To exchange mind and thought by the products to know each other more. 6. Products which encourage homeless people generate creativity, and develop their confidence.


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