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dc.contributor.authorWu, Chia-Hsinen_US
dc.contributor.authorDeng, Yi-Shinen_US
dc.description.abstract全球經濟的快速成長與科技的進步讓生活變得愈來愈方便,同時隨著世界人口的穩定爬升,消費的日與遽增,然而,大眾需求被滿足的同時,卻也忽略了人和環境之間重要連結,而帶來了浪費與資源短缺的情形。而這些環境問題到底不是明天就會發生在眼前也造成了消費者無關痛癢之感。環境的破壞無一不由車輛、工廠等各類明顯或細微的人類活動所造成,即便是生活中購買食材的習慣都高度相關。食物是生活中不可缺少的一環,而受現代科技所賜,進口食物比以前容易的多了。「食物里程 (Food Mile)」的概念,指的是我們嘴巴和食物原產地之間的距離。里程高,表示食物經過漫長的運送過程,一路上交通工具所消耗的汽油,和隨之而生的二氧化碳,破壞了環境。 近年來,由於環保意識的抬頭,永續設計逐漸為人所重視且慢慢地成為一股未來趨勢。如何在不可逆的消費型態下讓消費者重視並落實永續觀念則成為首要之務。然而,在設計師試圖以綠色設計等各類手法來傳遞觀念並影響消費者行為的動機下,消費者如何被影響、又是什麼得以成功影響等脈絡則為值得探索的領域。因此,本研究便以上述提及與日常生活最息息相關的一個活動議題作為開端,試圖探索永續設計平台中說服力(勸誘)的影響脈絡。 本研究透過文獻探討,對現有說服力科技(勸誘科技)的相關研究做一深入瞭解,接著運用理論框架中所選出的五類勸誘影響手法以及使用者為中心的設計方法為基礎,開展出一原型設計(Mixed-fidelity Prototype),並將此原型作為研究工具,用以探查潛在消費者族群對於永續設計的觀點。研究中透過受訪者訪談(In-depth Interview)與場域內情境式測試(In-situ Scenario-based user testing)作為資料蒐集的方法,並採用親和圖(Affinity Diagram)與(Means-end Chain)來將使用者陳述做進一步歸納,整理出勸誘手法的影響層面及對永續觀念所產生的價值觀。 根據研究結果所統整出的三個影響面向以及十二條重要的價值觀,我們可以對於潛在使用者面對勸誘式永續設計時被影響的脈絡有一全面性的瞭解。此外,本研究從了解受影響的動機與脈絡做整合,進而提出七個正向與三個負向等十條相關的設計原則,為灌輸永續觀念的勸誘設計上,提供更多具體的參考方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe global economy growth and advancements in novel technologies are rapidly changing our society and lifestyle. In the era of consumption, our demand of ever-growing consumption of goods can be readily sufficed. As the consumers’ need is satisfied, it brings the neglect of the awareness to the vital connections between us and the environmental issues, which are not an immediate urgency to be seen at present. Issues such as pollution and global warming are resulted from vehicles, factories to very subtle human activities; even our food purchasing habit in daily grocery shopping is highly influential. Food is indispensable for our lives. Modern technology had made food imports convenient and easy. The concept of “Food Mileage (Food mile)” is defined as the distance food travels from where it is grown to where it is ultimately purchased by the consumer - higher the food mileage, higher the fossil fuel consumption. With the growing concerns in recent years, sustainable design has become critical and a future trend. It is a priority to make consumers keep this issue in mind and take eco-friendly actions under this irreversible circumstance. However, when designers attempt to express the right attitude and influence users with sustainable design, little has been discussed that how consumers were influenced and what is successful in changing their behaviours which are the areas worth exploring. Hence, start from this one of the most relative activities in daily life we intended to investigate the persuasion in service platform to change the behaviour for the better. Through the literature review we have an overall understanding of the research domain on persuasive technology and the psychology of persuasion, and then five main approaches were selected according to the context as the testing fundamentals. On the basis of user-centred design method and persuasive technology framework, we have developed a mixed-fidelity prototype as a research tool to investigate the participants’ perspective on sustainable concept. From the in-depth interviews and the in-situ scenario-based user testing, users’ statements were coded by Affinity Diagram and Means-end Chain methods, three influential dimensions were summarised with a deep understanding of the twelve main values towards persuasive sustainable design. With the findings we discovered the significant influential factors of sustainable design which mediate the user responses. Ten design guidelines (3 don'ts and 7 do's) for persuasive sustainable design were proposed. Furthermore, we foresee that these findings and a series of design principles can be referenced for future design/research regarding attitudes and behaviour change.en_US
dc.subjectPersuasive Technologyen_US
dc.subjectSocial Influenceen_US
dc.subjectBehaviour Changeen_US
dc.subjectUser-Centered Designen_US
dc.subjectUser Experienceen_US
dc.subjectFood Mileageen_US
dc.subjectSustainable Designen_US
dc.titlePersuasion in Sustainable Designen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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