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dc.contributor.authorChou, Yu-Hungen_US
dc.contributor.authorDeng, Yi-Shinen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著近年來全球暖化、能源短缺的環保意識逐漸高漲,自行車在全球許多國家扮演著生活方式中重要的角色,在擁有「自行車王國」稱號的台灣也跟上了全球化的自行車熱潮。過去被視為代步工具的自行車也隨著節能減碳與新生活型態的興起重新被重視發展。然而在單車熱潮中,不均的男女單車族群比例顯示著女性對於自行車活動有較多的疑慮或考量。隨技術逐步快速發展的網路系統、隨身電腦手機裝置等,透過系統人機互動的勸誘設計,許多改變人們態度或行為的機會因應而生。為了促進更多女性投入活動,本研究藉由使用者研究調查並對應女性單車活動中勸誘系統設計的特徵,提出勸誘設計策略給予研究與設計團隊針對勸誘台灣女性從事單車活動的議題,進一步發展勸誘系統設計。 本研究以日誌調查法(Diary Study)與深度訪談(In-depth Interview)進行使用者研究,分別調查未參與和參與單車活動的兩組女性受測者,從一週的紀錄中首先了解他們生活中沒有以及擁有單車活動的價值觀。其次,目的方法鏈(Means-end analysis)將他們從事活動的資料基於手法與目的分類並表示其中的關聯;另一方面,針對兩組受測者對於單車活動的需求期待、挫折不便以及投入活動的經驗進行資料的分析歸納。最後針對其中一組女性受測者投入單車活動經驗,邀請系統設計者進行焦點團體法(Focus group)歸納這些單車經驗中顯著的系統設計勸誘特徵(Persuasive features),以不同等級分數對應分配至各個單車活動屬性,亦透過矩陣方式加以表示。 最終提出六項以勸誘特徵、感受、價值觀三者連結建立而成的說服策略(Persuasion strategy)。就從事單車活動女性受測者提出的單車投入經驗,歸納出針對女性單車議題最顯著的勸誘設計策略。其次比較兩組受測者的研究結果,以相同的價值觀下手發展影響途徑,就未參與者既有的價值觀提出相應的說服策略。最後在針對研究中觀察到的參與單車活動的挫折,由從事單車活動女性提出的正面感受研擬說服策略。藉由不同觀點,本研究最終提供了包含勸誘手法以及核心價值的一套策略,給予進行勸誘系統的設計團隊發想時,鎖定問題並發展勸誘設計的基礎。藉由實際有系統的規劃進行使用者研究,使得勸誘議題、使用者、勸誘手法與設計師在勸誘設計的流程中各自擁有明確的定位,幫助進行勸誘設計前的探索與引導。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAccording to conscious of environment has arisen with issues of global warming and energy deficiency recently, cycling plays an essential role as a lifestyle in many countries all over the world. Not only regarded as transportation, riding bikes is getting important as one of the popular exercises and recreations in leisure times. With the well-developed facility and policy providing for plenty populations of cycling, the phenomenon of imbalanced participant population between gender deserves further investigation to persuade female participate in cycling through developing a persuasive system design. The purpose of this research is to proceed a user study process and conduct the results through means-end analysis and assigning persuasive features of system for delivering persuasion strategies before undertaking concept development. The research is undertaken through diary study and in-depth interview included in user study to investigate two groups of participant with a group of female participants and the other one who do not participate in cycling activity. Based on a week of diary studies, their values are reflected in two different results. Through means-end analysis, their daily activities with and without cycling are classified and connected systematically. Expectations, needs, problems and practical experiences are also extracted and conducted in results. According to the cycling experiences, different grades of persuasive features are assigned to each cycling attributes through the focus group formed of senior system designers and producers. The finding is delivered with six persuasion strategies which are defined with a systematic chain formed with persuasive feature, consequences and values for persuading female participate in cycling. Through discussing in different perspectives, the most emphasized persuasive features are proposed based on appreciated female cycling experiences firstly. Also, employing the identical values are proposed the more acceptable influence approach as persuasion strategies. Finally, the persuasion strategies are proposed with breakthroughs based on focusing on the frustrations on the sequence of participating cycling. The research findings reveal persuasion strategies are proposed through systematic user study process with discovering specific user groups and approaches for conducting study results with implications. Persuasion strategies are proposed to provide persuasive features and core values to help with developing persuasive system design. This research extends a systematic persuasion strategy from user study process, which bridges the connection among persuasion issue, users, persuasive tools and system designer and also supports clarifying problems and scope for developing system design.en_US
dc.subjectPersuasive Designen_US
dc.subjectBehavior Changeen_US
dc.subjectUser Studyen_US
dc.subjectPersuasion Strategyen_US
dc.subjectFemale Cyclingen_US
dc.subjectMeans-end Chainen_US
dc.titleInvestigating Persuasion in Female Cycling Designen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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