標題: 單身寓所之懶人生活哲學設計
Design of the lazy people’s living philosophy in their single flats
作者: 粘瑋仁
Nien, Wei-Jen
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 單身;脈絡查訪;訪談;KJ法;方法與目的鏈;single;Contextual Inquiry;Interview;KJ Method;Mean-End Chain
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 從古至今,人們渴望懶惰的天性推動了人類物質文明不斷地進化,使人們能享受更舒適便捷的生活,若說「懶」是進步的原動力,亦當之無愧。本研究從研究者本身的居住經驗做出發,思考「懶」的本質。懶惰是天性,抑或環境所致?嘗試以環境-行為學的角度切入,鎖定單身寓所內的懶人族群為研究對象,以理解該族群所生活的場域如何與其惰性行為的產生及其思考模式相互影響,而後歸納出懶人偷懶的生活哲學,並探究其所面臨的生活問題,最後以該族群獨特的生活哲學及思維作為設計的手法,進行創作發想。 本研究分成幾個階段來進行,第一階段,透過脈絡查訪(Contextual Inquiry)及訪談的方式,實地進入受訪者的居住場域拍攝記錄生活空間的樣貌、生活模式及了解他們面對生活問題的應對方式,而後根據食、衣、住、行四個面向了解該族群看待事物的處世哲學,在第二階將訪談中萃取的口語資料進行歸納分析,先以KJ法(KJ Method)分析該族群在其單身寓所面對生活問題之漸進式生活態度:對住處之歸屬感高低影響其懶惰程度→對亂象產生麻痺心理→無為而治→憂患意識→隨機應變,在方法與目的鏈(Mean-End Chain)中抽離出該族群的內心需求並提出的五大設計方向,分別是:(1)創造新的收納空間,以提升生活質感(2)短時間快速整理獲得正面印象(3)能隨情境變換用途(4)提供趣味性、省力、有效率(5)一個人能力所及,第三階段,基於前面的研究撰述為立基點,進行懶人生活之創作設計。最後產出三件生活產品,分別為《俄羅斯方塊床》、《L號、XL號懶人》、《懶人黑白拖》等因應單身懶人族群生活條件及收納空間的貧乏,強調能跟隨不同情境而變換功能的設計。並在畢業展覽後,針對每樣創作之缺失進行檢討與修正。 最後,透過本研究想訴說的是,懶並沒有甚麼不對,懶只是其中一種生活態度的選擇而已,可以懶得很邋遢,但透過設計的力量,人也可以懶得很有智慧、懶得很有品味!
From ancient times till now, people’s desire to be lazy by nature have pushed the continuous evolution of human civilization, which enables people enjoy a more comfortable and convenient life. If we say “idleness” is the driving force of progress, it is deserved. In this study, it begins with the living experience of the researcher self, thinking what is the meaning of "idleness". Idleness is by nature, or the environment caused by? Trying to use the theory of environmental - behavior as point of penetration and focusing on the lazy people who lives in their single flats as the target object so as to understand the field where they live how to influences their lazy behavior and thinking. And then summarizing the lazy philosophy of life and exploring life issues they face. Finally according to the group's unique philosophy of life, thinking the way of design, and carrying on idea brainstorming. This study is divided into several stages. The first stage, through Contextual Inquiry, I personally went into interviewees’ flats, documenting the appearance of their living field, life style and understanding how they face their problem in life. And then, under the four dimensions include of the food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, seeing clearly the target group’s philosophy of looking at things. In the second stage, oral information from Inquiry was extracted to carry on inductive analysis. First, KJ method was used to analyze the group’s progressive attitude to life when they face their problems in their single flats: a sense of belonging to the residence influences how lazy they are □ they are numb with the mess □ they govern by doing nothing that goes against nature □ sense of hardship □ to act according to circumstances. In Mean-End Chain, we learn about their inner needs and the design direction of the five proposed are: (1) create new storage space to improve life quality (2) short-term quick order to obtain a positive impression (3) transform uses with the situation (4) to provide fun, effort, efficiency (5) a person can do by himself. In the third stage, proposing creative design for the lazy life based on previous studies. Finally, three products were created, namely "Tetris-bed", "L, XL lazy person", and "The lazy slippers at will". The design is response to the lazy single group whose living conditions and the paucity of storage space, emphasizing on transforming functional design with different situation. And after the graduation exhibition, I will review and correct the defects of each design. Finally, the study reveals that laziness is not to be blamed. Being lazy is a kind of lifestyle and choice. You can be lazy to be sloppy, but through the power of design, people can be lazy with wisdom and can be lazy with good taste.