標題: 一瞬漫漫
Time, Time Pass Me By and Bye
作者: 張琳婷
Chang, Lin-Ting
Lai, Wen-Shu
關鍵字: 插畫;壓克力;時間;裝置;illustrations;acrylic;time;installation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 《一瞬漫漫》作品因通勤生活等公車、追火車的奔波而起。在苦苦守候與追趕不及間感受時間的無情與推擠,在日日重複的往返過程中記錄對歲月流逝的感受,體會開始與結束總會交替,於是學著珍惜。 將平面的圖文做拆解與組合,以壓克力板的透明穿透感營造一個詩意的裝置與空間,無聲地述說故事。空間的形態與流動暗示時間行進方式及情緒起伏,隨著觀者視線移動造成畫面遮蔽與顯現,光與影的變化也在人、作品、風、感覺相互關連下使作品自靜立的狀態開始呼吸、發出聲音。利用距離、空間、運動、韻律等向度給時間新的單位,因為人有情導致時間不再無情。 創作的過程提供作者心靈療癒與沈澱,擁有與失去同等重要,恆久與幻變各有意義。每個經歷、每次轉瞬逐漸累積溶解,匯成人生的漫漫旅程。
This work was inspired by the daily commuting life, the endless for waiting for a bus or the haste for getting on a train, sensing the files of time by both waiting and catching up the vehicle. I took down those feelings of how time goes on and goes by in a routine day. By realizing that the start and the end would be replaced by each other eventually, so that we should cherish the things we have and the things we've passed by. The Illustrations were taken apart, pasted down to the shaped acrylic plates and combined into an installation. They present a poetry space with telling a silent story. The display and flow of this space imply how time goes and how we sense of it. By different ways of observing or involving with this work, through covered or uncovered images, viewers, illustrations, winds and sensations would be interact with each other individually. And distances, spaces, movements and rhythms, all those aspects bring us to interpret time with a different measurable unit. So, for the love and the compassion of human being, we could sense time as more valuable than ever. During the time of creating this work, I felt so calm and peaceful. I had those chances to realize that gaining and loosing are all significant and bring their own meaning to life. Every minute and every second gradually accumulate and dissolve. And each experience converges to a baggage for the long journey.


  1. 252201.pdf
  2. 252201.pdf

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