標題: 間介:建築的多向性連結
inbetween:the multidimensional connection of architecture
作者: 刁國緯
Tiao, Kuo-Wei
關鍵字: 連結;多向性;建築;connection;inbetween;multidimensional;architecture
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 協同學(Synergetics),是研究不同事物共同特徵及其協同機理的新興學科。它著重探討各種系統從無序變為有序時的相似性。在客觀世界存在著各式各樣的系統;社會的或自然界的,有生命或無生命的,宏觀的或微觀的系統等等,這些看起來完全不同的系統,卻都具有深刻的相似性。每個設計案的初始階段,不管是從物件原理的觀察,透過科學方法的研究,或是從文化現象,環境紋理開始,試圖去發現這些現象和建築之間背後隱藏的關係,建構一種設計創作的手法,透過抽象概念的連結關係,和真實的建築空間相互指涉。


Synergetics, an emerging interdisciplinary field, deals with material or immaterial systems, composed of, in general, many individual parts. It focuses its attention on the spontaneous, i.e. self-organized emergence of new qualities which may be structures, processes or functions. The basic question dealt with by Synergetics is: are there general principles of self-organization irrespective of the nature of the individual parts of a system?

Every design project seeks to entangle the relations between the architecture and the phenomenon behind in the first place, irrespective of via observation, scientific research, cultural observation or environment. The purpose of this method aims to create a design concept through the relations between the abstract, or the concept and the reality, or the architecture space.

As Andrea Palladio, the most influential Italian Renaissance architecture said, beauty originated from forms and the coordination between the individual and the whole sectors. As result, the consistency will then be created out of this formula.

In addition, Palladio also believes the existence of any material, no matter it being small as object or massive as architecture, is not just an independent object. However, its appearance and functions are created by many inter-related conditions. And this is what makes this piece of object meaningful.

In-Between is not just a design process but more of a means seeking to re-construct and re-comprehend the space. This means aims to redefine the space via different system and structures which include object, culture, process, context and action.


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