標題: 探討鷹架式網路形成科學議題課程對國小學生形成科學議題能力與科學探究能力之影響
Explore the impact of scaffolding on web-based identifying scientific issue learning content on 6th grade students’ abilities of identifying scientific issue and inquiry
作者: 陳梅香
Chern, Mei-Shiang
She, Hsiao-Ching
關鍵字: 形成科學議題;科學探究;網路學習;scientific issue;scientific inquiry;web-based learning
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究結合多媒體網路環境,發展「網路形成科學性議題課程」,將國小六年級自然與生活科技課程以探究教學為主軸,透過鷹架式(scaffolding)形成科學議題課程與非鷹架式(Non- scaffolding)形成科學議題課程,進行實驗比較,企圖瞭解兩種不同教模式對學生形成科學議題能力、科學概念建構、科學推理能力之差異。同時針對兩組學生在網路的學習課程進行分析,以深入了解學生形成科學議題與科學探究能力之成長。 研究採用實驗研究法之準實驗設計,對象為新竹市某國小六年級四個班的學生。依研究設計分為二組教學模式,實驗組為鷹架式網路形成科學議題課程,共二個班63人,對照組為非鷹架式網路形成科學議題課程,共二個班60人。兩組學生進行五個單元十六個主題的網路形成科學議題課程與探究實驗,比較兩組學生在「形成科學議題能力測驗」「科學概念建構測驗」、「科學推理測驗」之前測、後測及追蹤測成績的差異,同時針對學生在兩種網路學習課程進行分析,以深入了解學生在形成科學議題、形成假設、找出變數、科學解釋能力等科學探究能力之成長比較。 結果顯示,在形成科學議題測驗,鷹架組顯著優於非鷹架組的學生;在科學概念建構測驗,鷹架組優於非鷹架組的學生,但未達顯著差異,從個別t檢定中可發現,兩組學生都能促進學習成效與學習的保留效果。在科學推理測驗,兩組學生後測成績皆有進步,鷹架組略優於非鷹架組的學生,但未達顯著差異。迴歸分析中發現,科學概念後測對形成科學議題後測最具解釋力。 其次在網路形成科學議題學習歷程方面:(一)在量化分析顯示,以單因子重複量數分析結果,鷹架組的學生在單元一到單元五的網路課程中,「形成科學議題」、「形成假設」、「找出變數」與「科學解釋」等面向的表現上均顯著優於非鷹架組的學生,各單元間也有呈現顯著的成長趨勢。在質性分析顯示,鷹架組較非鷹架組的學生能表現出較多「能辨識關鍵特徵(key feature)所形成的科學議題,有完整的操作變因與應變變因,可進行探究實驗」的高層級科學議題。也能表現較多「用科學原理原則做出結果的正確科學概念解釋」的高層級科學解釋。
This study was to explore the difference between scaffolding and non-scaffolding web-based learning on students’ concept construction, scientific reasoning, scientific inquiry ability and competencies in identifying scientific issues. A total of 123 6th graders recruited from four average-achievement classes of a middle school in Taiwan participated in this study. Sixty three of them received scaffolding web-based learning for three units, and the other sixty students received non-scaffolding web-based learning for three units as well. In addition to the learning from web-based environment, they also did inquiry activity at laboratory according to the question, hypotheses, variables, and design they formulate at web-based learning. They return to the web-based learning environment to provide their scientific explanations received from their inquiry activity. The content dependent conception Test (CDCT), Scientific Reasoning Test (SRT) and content dependent PISA Test (CDPISA) were administered to all students before, directly after and after the eighth week of learning. The results indicated that scaffolding group’s students’ outperform than non-scaffolding group on CDCT, SRT and CDPISA and reach statistical significant difference level except SRT. For students’ web learning results, the following dimensions were analyzed: identifying scientific issues, identifying variables, formulate hypothesis and scientific explanation. All of these together were the measure for students’ inquiry ability performance. The result indicated that scaffolding group outperform than no-scaffolding group regardless identifying scientific issues, identifying variables, formulate hypothesis and scientific explanation. The qualitative analyses of identifying scientific issues and scientific explanation all indicated that scaffolding group performed more higher levels of identifying scientific issues and scientific explanations than to the non-scaffolding group.


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