標題: 利用IEEE 802.11p/1609技術來縮短緊急車輛到達事故地點的時間
Employing the IEEE 802.11p/1609 Technology to Shorten the Arrival Times of Emergency Vehicles to Accidents
作者: 徐銘昇
Hsu, Ming-Sheng
Wang, Shie-Yuan
關鍵字: IEEE 802.11p/1609;網路模擬器;緊急車輛;IEEE 802.11p/1609;Network Simulator;Emergency Vehicle
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 事故救援對拯救生命和緊急救護是一個重要的論題。事故救援中的一項議題就是如何縮短緊急車輛 (例如救護車、消防車、警車) 到達事故現場的時間使得救護作業可以順利的進行。舉例來說,救護車應盡快地到達車禍現場,如此一來傷患才能盡早地被照顧到。然而,在大都市的區域裡,塞車可能使得緊急車輛難以快速地到達事故現場。這是因為在道路上的車輛有時會難以讓出道路讓緊急車輛經過。在這個情況下,由於無法預期的塞車,拯救傷患或消滅火災的寶貴時間將會被浪費掉而造成無法挽回的悲劇。 為了解決上述的問題,在此篇論文中,我們提出一種基於IEEE 802.11p/1609無線技術的交通控管機制來控制車流狀況和交通號誌來縮短緊急車輛到達事故現場的時間。在所提出的機制裡,行控中心用來監控道路上的車流情況並提供交通資訊給緊急車輛。行控中心會動態地改變道路上的交通號誌來幫助緊急車輛能快速地到達事故現場。 我們的模擬結果顯示,在我們所研究的案例中,我們所提出的機制能夠將緊急車輛到達事故現場的時間大幅地縮短30%至50%。
Accident rescue is an important topic for life saving and emergent handling. One issue of accident rescue is how to shorten the times for emergency vehicles (such as ambulances, fire engines, and police cars) to arrive at accident scenes so that the emergent events can be properly processed. For example, an ambulance should arrive at a traffic accident scene as fast as it can so that the wounded can be taken care of as soon as possible. However, in metropolitan areas traffic jams may make emergency vehicles difficult to arrive at the accident scenes. This is because cars on the roads may not have enough space to move themselves to empty a lane for the pass-through of emergency vehicles. In this condition, the valuable time for rescuing injured people or extinguishing fire will be wasted due to undesired traffic jams, which may result in unrecoverable tragedies. To solve this problem, in this thesis we propose a traffic control mechanism based on the IEEE 802.11p/1609 radio technology to control the traffic condition and traffic lights to shorten the time required by emergency vehicles to arrive at accident scenes. In the proposed mechanism, a traffic control center is deployed to monitor the traffic conditions on the roads and provide the traffic information for emergency vehicles. The traffic control center can dynamically adjust the traffic lights on the roads to help emergency vehicles arrive at accident scenes more quickly. Our simulation results show that the proposed mechanism can significantly reduce 30% to 50% arrival times required by emergency vehicles to arrive at accident scenes in our evaluated cases.
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