標題: 基於工作流程與通用隨插即用技術下之整合性軟體開發架構
A Development Framework for Composable Software Systems based on Workflow and UPnP Technology
作者: 邱博政
Chiu, Po-Cheng
Zao, Kar-Kin
關鍵字: 工作流程;通用隨插即用;智能環境;Workflow;UPnP;Smart Environment
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 由中研院主持的SISARL計畫—「老年人居家照護」是交通大學遍佈式嵌入系統實驗室(Pervasive Embedded System Lab)近幾年的重點研究計畫之一,其旨在藉由逐步增添智能家電的過程促使老年人所居住的環境有所進化,協助老年人能在自己熟悉的居住環境安享其老年生活。轉化過程中,為了方便家電開發商設計能與環境內裝置立即作溝通反應的系統,此研究訂立一套要求具有下列特性的整合性軟體開發架構:(1) 可整合化開發架構能結合具有相同架構的裝置及服務,形成功能更多的反應系統;(2) 可重複使用的功能函式庫讓已開發完成的裝置服務能重複被建立使用;(3) 人性化的設計介面與工具能讓開發者快速地進行程式開發;(4) 簡易配置環境裝置使得架構能輕易地連結環境裝置。全篇論文內以Windows Workflow Foundation技術整合封裝UPnP階層裝置,將架構的運作流程與裝置的部分作結合溝通,並設計一整套運作流程的軟體開發方式,使得開發者能在智能環境中開發一套與智能環境中家電裝置溝通的即時反應系統(Real-time Reactive System),並且能讓多個智能家電裝置之功能得以彼此之間互相溝通、協調各自之運作。最後,此架構整合論文「適用於家庭自動化的通用隨插即用感測與促動器基礎架構」在交通大學電資大樓智能環境實驗室中實作完成室內燈光回饋控制,並封裝階層式燈光控制元件以利於重複使用。另外也完成了智慧型置物櫃。而未來以此軟體開發架構開發出的智能家電會越來越多,逐步走進智能家庭的世代。
In the recent years, NCTU Pervasive Embedded System (PES) Lab have focused on an elder-care project named “Kannon”. This project aims at enabling elders to live comfortably in their familiar environments by gradually transforming those environments through acquisition of smart appliances. In this transforming process, the developer of smart appliances plays an important role. In the premature smart environment region, in order to let developers develop a reactive system which can communicate with environment devices easily, we construct a framework with the following four essential properties: (1) Development framework composability; (2) Functional libraries reusability; (3) User-friendly programming interfaces and tools; (4) Simply configure to environment devices. In this thesis, we encapsulate UPnP devices using Windows Workflow Foundation, and design a software development framework through abstracting the operations and devices of the framework. Developers can create a “Real-time Reactive System” and compose more appliances in a smart environment using the Workflow and UPnP technology. This software development framework has integrated the feedback system of indoor luminance from the thesis “UPnP Compatible Sensor/Actuator Infrastructure for Home Automation”, built in NCTU MIRC Smart Environment Lab to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technology, and has encapsulated the libraries of hierarchical luminance control component in order to be reused. Besides from luminance application, smart pantry is another application of this framework. In the future, more and more smart appliances will be developed with this technology, entering into the smart home generation.


  1. 556701.pdf

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