Title: 在無線隨意式網路中可抵抗蟲洞攻擊
An auto-resilient routing protocol against wormhole attacks in Mobile Ad-hoc network
Authors: 王偉民
Wang, Wei-Ming
Tsai, Wen-Nung
Keywords: 蟲洞攻擊;蟲洞理論;隨意式網路;wormhole attack;wormhole theory;ad hoc network
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 無線隨意式網路是一種在節點間可自我組態的網路並且在網路內的節點皆可自由移動以及擁有路由的能力。然而,這些無線隨意式網路的特性無形中也增加了蟲洞攻擊發生的危險性。近幾來來,關於如何在無線隨意式網路中防範蟲洞攻擊一直是熱門的研究議題。然而之前所提的方法,大部分將重點擺在如何根據蟲洞的行為來設計解決的方法,然而在我們的研究中認為從根本的路由協議中找出其路由弱點並且加以克服解決將可以有較好的防制效果。我們將在本論文研究在無線隨意式網路中路由協議的弱點並且進一步提出健壯的路由協議來避免攻擊。
The Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are self-configuring network and each node in MANETs is free to move and has the ability to route packets. However, these characteristics will give rise to Wormhole attack which will increase the influences of network attacks. In recent years, the methods how to avoid wormhole attacks have become attractive research issues. However, many previous works focus on observing the behavior of wormhole node to solve the attack issues. We thought against wormhole attack utilizing the routing characteristics of MANETs will has the better resulting of avoiding attacks. We researched the routing protocol of MANETs, present the wormhole attacks using the weakness of routing protocols and we will propose a robust routing protocol to solve the wormhole attacks.
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