標題: 如何促進急診流程順暢
A Study to Improve the Flow in Emergency Department
作者: 高翔
關鍵字: 急診流程;精實生產;限制理論;等候理論;Flow in Emergency Department;Lean Production;TOC Theory;Queuing Theory
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 臺灣急診流程受限於資源有限,而採取分區總額配給的方式,使得許多醫院關閉急診;然急診對整體醫療流程、環境而言,佔有不可或缺的地位。 因之,如何有效的使急診流程順暢化,有效利用有限的資源,提升急診病人之滿意度,改善現有之流程,對急診領域而言,可說是相當迫切。 故,本研究針對臺灣急診醫學領域之困境、瓶頸困難點,先做一基本瞭解,並分就院內資源、院外合作,以及全民健保制度等三個面向逐一提出相對應之急診流程改善策略,以期能替臺灣急診醫學尋一出路,而能強化整體之醫學環境,提供予民眾更為健全、更安全的生命保障。
Flow in emergency department in Taiwan is subject to the limited resources. The total district resource allocation policy makes many hospitals close the emergency room. However, the emergency procedure has the essential status in the whole medical process. Therefore, how to effectively enable the smooth flow in emergency department, to enhance the satisfaction of emergency patients by the limited resources and improve the existing processes. It’s so important for the emergency field. So this study will focus on the problems of the emergency field in Taiwan. And point on the three parts to do the analysis, included the hospital resources allocation, hospital cooperation, and the national health insurance system. Then the study makes the conclusion of the improvement strategies. The study tries to find a way to strengthen the overall medical environment, and provides more secure life support for the public.
Appears in Collections:Thesis